College Student Receives Wrong Package In Mail, Turns Out To Be $350K Military Drone

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A college student, who is also Reddit user Seventy_Seven, ordered a weight bench for UPS to deliver to him. It arrived, along with a military grade drone. The drone, identified as a Puma AE unmanned aircraft system, is a $350,000 piece of equipment, which originated from MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Fla. Its intended destination was Stellwagen Bank Marine Sanctuary in Massachusetts. The Puma is owned by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and is commonly used to “measure ocean debris, conduct seabird surveys, and monitor ocean habitats.”

It didn’t make it to Massachusetts. Instead, it ended up in the hands of Joe College Student, who, thankfully, is responsible and didn’t attempt to take the drone out for a cruise around campus as other Reddit users urged him to do. The website Vice contacted Seventy_Seven to get the scoop and ask him how he handled the situation.

From Vice:

“Just called UPS. They told me that it was one of the undelivered packages in their office, and asked if I’ve ever had an undelivered package. I said no, but he insisted that it was mine, and said that it was up to me if I want to keep it or not,” he wrote. “Nothing on the outside of the crate said it was government property. I had ordered a weightlifting bench (which I received) and this came with it. Both boxes has UPS labels with my name and address. Though an odd box, I genuinely thought it was parts for the bench I ordered, since I wasn’t expecting a freaking drone.”

Photos of the Puma:





The Puma in action:

Seventy_Seven has been in contact with the NOAA, and they are currently working together to get the Puma back in the right hands.

[via Vice, Reddit]

    1. chairborne

      Like what, try to spy on dorn’s mom while she’s tanning that ass. The puma isn’t capable of carrying ordnance, and even if it was do you think the DOD is retarded enough to ship hellfire missiles flat-rate?

      10 years ago at 2:34 pm
  1. SouthernLite

    I was hoping this would be a story about a college student recieving a military drone in the mail and using it to terrorize other students. Not returning it.

    10 years ago at 1:08 pm
    1. Dillon Cheverere

      It’s not stealing when you cite the source (give them credit). Literally every news story you’ve ever read in your life comes from somewhere unless they break it themselves. It’s how the internet works. If a story is covered by 5,000 publications, 4,999 of them got it from the original source.

      tl;dr: You’re a moron.

      10 years ago at 1:50 pm
      1. Ruger_Dern

        teh onli way mi boi roger cood hav jus droped a biger bom on ur dum ass wood b if he had a fukin drone frum ups

        hi fiev rodge

        10 years ago at 2:05 pm
      1. VermontStrokes

        i’d say since USPS just lost my iphone in the mail, they’d send a drone straight to ol’ putin’s doorstep

        10 years ago at 6:34 pm
  2. beerbong_in_my_pants

    La Push? I guess those damn twilight werewolves are really upping their game against the vamps.

    10 years ago at 4:59 pm