UNT Pi Kappa Phi Raises Money Allowing Paralyzed Classmate To Walk At Her Graduation

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Every year, particularly around graduation season, we hear stories about students who have overcome the odds and embraced adversity for the opportunity to receive their diploma from their college or university. One young woman at the University of North Texas beat the odds, tackling two major obstacles in her life in one moment.

Emily Hernandez was on her way to class at UNT one morning in 2009 when her truck hit a guardrail and plummeted over the side of a bridge on Interstate 820. While Emily survived, she was left dealing with a myriad of significant injuries.

From MyFoxPhilly:

“I broke my neck and my back, my shoulder and my wrist, my ribs, my lungs collapsed twice and my brain hemorrhaged,” she said.

Emily’s friend, a passenger in the truck, died at the scene of the accident.

Once she recovered from her less significant injuries, Emily was left facing a life of limited mobility. Doctors told Emily she would most likely never walk again. However, her education still mattered, and it motivated and helped Emily get her life back on track.

“If I could’ve done this when I was walking, then what do my legs have anything to do with me not being able to do it,” Emily said.

As she completed the final stages of her degree, members of the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity and the UNT community were busy raising money for special leg braces that would assist Emily in a very special graduation day moment.

When the moment came to receive her diploma, after years of struggle, Emily–with the help of her leg braces and a walker–made her way across the stage.

Emily had a few inspirational words after her powerful moment:

“Now, I’m standing. Now, I’m strong. Now, I am a force to be reckoned with,” she said.

Well said, Emily, and well done, Pi Kappa Phi.

[via MyFoxPhilly]

    1. RisingFratstarOfTX

      But will the public remember anything positive like what these gentlemen did? Nope, and that is a damn shame.

      10 years ago at 3:22 pm
  1. Schwabsyy


    10 years ago at 4:54 pm
    1. Meangreen93

      You sir, are what is wrong with “men”. Seriously. You are a fuck face. Yes, from time to time who doesn’t enjoy a good sexist joke? You are going to go and take a triumph of someone who has overcome something insurmountable and make an asshole joke about it. Grow the fuck up.

      10 years ago at 7:19 pm
      1. fapmasterfresh

        I get the sensitivity bc by your handle you obviously get that you go to unt. Being from Texas I know it’s an art school for liberals that can’t take a joke (grew up in Austin, knew a fair share)so I think I understand why you put men in quotation marks. But my b guys, simple joke, I do respect what this fraternity did for her. I’ll go ahead and leave y’all to y’all’s pi kapp circle jerk

        10 years ago at 10:42 pm
      2. Women and whiskey

        I agree with fapmaster. Though the joke was a bit cruel y’all need to chill the fuck out.

        10 years ago at 2:21 pm
    2. Schwabsyy

      but we actually knew this girl so when you say shit like that it really hits us. It’s not like we just watched the video and didn’t actually know a fucking thing about UNT, the situation, or her (like you). We fucking watched her struggle and fight every god-dammed day. Your fucking internet trolling shit directly addressed our friend, we have the right to be upset.

      10 years ago at 4:49 pm
  2. completelyaverage

    This is the stuff that makes me proud to be. ODH brothers, keep doing good.

    10 years ago at 9:34 pm