Watch Two LA Dodgers Absolutely Destroy Little Kids In Dodgeball


While visiting New York for a series with the Mets, two Los Angeles Dodgers, catcher Drew Butera and infielder Dee Gordon, went on MTV’s “Off The Bat” to compete against a bunch of little kids in dodgeball. At first I just assumed some producer at MTV is a big Billy Madison fan and/or thinks it’s as funny as I do to watch little kids get destroyed in dodgeball by professional athletes. Then it dawned on me that this little stunt might have something to do with the fact that the players are “Dodgers.” GET IT?

None of those assumptions really matter though. What was supposed to be a funny little segment on a TV show turned out awesome, because neither Butera or Gordon held back against their young though numerically superior opponents. At all. Check out the videos.

Butera absolutely blasts the kid trying to jump out of the way of his shot. He rifled that thing in there like he was trying to stop Billy Hamilton from swiping second, except at point blank range. He knocked the little bastard right out of midair and onto his back. It’s nice to see that at least some of today’s youth now know what it was like to play dodgeball in the 70s, 80s, and 90s, which is to say, know what it’s like to have their playgrounds transformed into a merciless battlefield. There’s nothing more haunting than when you put your hand into a bunch of goo that a moment before was your best friend’s nose. After that, you’ll know what to do.

[via Instagram]

      1. CapnMerica

        Autocorrect will never change a word based on context, just changes misspellings, so you’re just stupid. Nice try though.

        10 years ago at 8:53 am
  1. ImonTFM

    If “neither Butera or Gordon held back” those kids would be crippled. You’re more dramatic then a Sorostitute during Big/Little reveal Bacon.

    10 years ago at 3:08 pm
  2. Virginia Gentleman

    Until proven otherwise, I am now convinced Dorn is posting his news articles under Bacon’s identity.

    10 years ago at 5:58 pm
  3. LA Dodgers Give No F*cks And Destroy Kids At Dodgeball

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    10 years ago at 11:00 am