Funniest Girl Alive Sues Johnny Manziel For Sexual Harassment, Says He Has A Tiny Dick (And Much More)

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The following tweet hit the web this morning.

The plaintiff’s name is Samantha Schacher, and if you believe everything she claims in this lawsuit, then Johnny Manziel is guilty of the following:

    • perpetually and egregiously harassing Ms. Schacher while at Texas A&M
    • having a 4.5-inch dick, which he is very proud of
    • sending Ms. Schacher numerous photos of his dick
    • sending Ms. Schacher a photo of his dick placed inside a hot dog bun and calling it a Vienna sausage
    • sending Ms. Schacher a photo of his erect dick next to a ruler, showing a measurement of 4.5 inches with the caption “You know you want me, Samantha”
    • wanting to have a threesome with Dr. Drew.
    • admitting to taking steroids and lifting weights
    • possessing and sharing a photo of Jadeveon Clowney’s 9-inch penis, and referring to it as a “monster”
    • smoking pot in the locker room before games while Skyping with Ms. Schacher
    • receiving inappropriate benefits from the A&M coaching staff
    • cheating on college exams
    • trying to convince Ms. Schacher to strip for him and Lebron at Lebron’s “crib”
    • wanting to get penis enlargement surgery so he can be Ms. Schacher’s “Long John Silver”

Samantha Schacher seeks $25,000,000 in punitive damages and a restraining order against Manziel. It’s all in the below document, which has officially been filed with the United States District Court.



Look, the bitch is crazy, right? Or maybe she’s a hilarious genius that played this thing perfectly–making the claims so outrageous that no one believes them, yet so funny that everyone reads them anyway. You can’t deny she’s got talent. A threesome with Dr. Fucking Drew? That’s gold.

  1. TylerG

    wait, whats so outrageous that no one will believe them? i’ve done like 32% of those things

    10 years ago at 10:16 am
  2. ChiPhiGST

    This may sound kinda gay, but the image of Johnny Football jiggling his junk to “It’s a Small World” with that shit-eating grin is fucking hilarious

    10 years ago at 10:18 am
  3. Floyd Hazeweather

    I’ll help “conceive” your half-brother, Dorn, if you don’t get this Klondike shit out of here this instant

    10 years ago at 10:21 am
  4. MuChapter

    Dang I had just sent this tip to Bacon too cause I knew he’d write a better article than you Dorn.

    10 years ago at 10:21 am
  5. HouseChef_TFM

    Someone fill me in, not going to act like I know all of the technicalities and details, but isn’t filing a bogus lawsuit against someone illegal, or at least punishable somehow?

    10 years ago at 10:21 am
    1. Damn_Proud

      Yep. The court can sanction her for it if it determines she made false representations.

      10 years ago at 10:52 am
    2. therealmccoy94

      He will most likely counter-sue for defamation in the likely case that her claims are found to be bullshit.

      10 years ago at 12:58 pm
    3. ItsAllAboutTheSouth

      The thing is that she didn’t even file it. It’s someone who thought it’d be funny. They didn’t even pay the filing fee, so there’s no way it’s getting any serious attention

      10 years ago at 8:26 pm
  6. We The Greeks

    Dorn, you’re really liking these stories about dick and balls lately, aren’t ya?

    10 years ago at 10:22 am