EA Sports Ready To Pay College Athletes


ESPN.com reports video game mogul EA Sports has reached a $40 million settlement with college football and basketball players. Even though players’ names were never used in any of the NCAA video games created by EA, their likenesses were unquestionably used. The settlements will pay former and current college athletes for the use of their images in the video games, and players’ pay will depend on how many games they appeared in. Attorneys estimate that players who appeared in the video games from 2003 to 2005 will receive between $96 and $517 per roster year appearance, and players who have appeared in the video games since 2005 will get $166 to $951 per roster year appearance. If players only appeared on a roster and not in a video game from 2005 to 2014, the range for them will be $48 to $276 per roster year.

Most people are happy that the players will be compensated for their images being used in the games. Most. The NCAA still does not want college athletes to be compensated for playing college athletics, so much so that it’s ready to take this case to the Supreme Court. The NCAA is, predictably, being a boner, and the trial date is set for June 9.

[via Think Progress]

  1. FuckingLegend

    This is fucking stupid. If you don’t think a free tuition (close/over $100,000) during a 4 year stay, plus gear, room/board, food, etc. isn’t enough compensation, don’t fucking play. I pay to go to school, you don’t, there’s your compensation. People act like AD’s sit back and rake in the $ but are too stupid to realize that things like a 100,000 person stadium costs money to run. Or schools use football to cover things like women’s sports that don’t generate revenue. Get a clue dumbasses

    10 years ago at 2:28 pm
    1. Freshpolo

      This is a good argument, however as a D1 football player myself, what most people don’t understand is the countless hours that are put in by athletes to provide entertainment to millions of fans. This is what college football is, it’s an entertainment industry. Yes we get our tuition, meals, housing, etc. covered, but no one pays us for the 30+ hours a week we put our bodies through for entertainment. It’s not like we are getting paid handsomely and just rolling around in money, we get enough to simply get by. So if an outside organization is going to use our bodies, appearance and name in a video game, then yes we should be compensated for it.

      10 years ago at 3:53 pm
      1. Ciroc Boy

        This would be a valid argument, except for the fact that your body, appearance, and name are not used in a video game.

        10 years ago at 4:24 pm
      2. Leonard_Washington

        In that context you sound like you hate playing: “’30 hours a week we put our bodies through…’ and to: ‘provide entertainment to millions of fans.'” Give me a fucking break. You should play for the love of the game, for the chance to be a professional sports player that we never had the chance to be. And if that doesn’t happen, you still get a completely free education in return (worth around 100k, I agree) . And what do you mean, “we get enough to simply get by?” Do you know how spending money works? You don’t put down that 100k that all the rest of us have to put down. If we both had 100k and you didn’t have to pay for school, you would still have that +100k and I would be at $0 (now I’m the one who is just getting by, working at the dining hall hoping I get .20 cents above minimum wage). Unless you are completely broke (which I’m not saying you aren’t), then you should have that money you didn’t put down PLUS that education. And if you are broke, then be fucking humble about the opportunity. That all being said, if “working” for the entertainment industry is tough, then just fucking quit.

        10 years ago at 1:58 am
  2. Mattyice2

    I don’t know about you guys, but I pay a shit load to go to school. College football and basketball players don’t pay anything (how it should be) and complain? They get to go to school for free while being a god on campus. That should be good enough.

    10 years ago at 2:36 pm
  3. Mattyice2

    I don’t know about you guys, but I pay a shit load to go to school. College football and basketball players don’t pay anything (how it should be) and complain? They get to go to school for free while being a god on campus. That should be good enough.

    10 years ago at 2:36 pm
  4. NightriderNoisewater

    College athletes deserve nothing more than their 4+ years of free living.

    10 years ago at 2:57 pm
  5. NSimon1

    I don’t a agree with the universities paying athletes, but they should be able to profit from their likenesses.

    10 years ago at 3:03 pm
  6. TommyGufanoTFM

    I’m glad that there are no more college football video games so the third string quarterback from Kent State could fill up his Subaru.

    10 years ago at 4:10 pm