Florida High Schooler Burns Giant Penis Into Field Before His Graduation, Forces School To Paint Field Green

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Outdoor graduations are the worst. They’re made up of hours of mindlessly sitting on your ass, listening to some nerdy fucks give speeches in an attempt to encourage the majority of your incompetent classmates that they may, one day, do something with their lives. On top of listening to the repetitive, monotone monologues, it’s usually hot as hell out there, too.

One Florida high school senior had other ideas for the special day, so he decided to liven up the setting of his graduation.

What’s the first thing any high school senior thinks to draw while planning a vandalism mission? A penis, naturally. And that’s exactly what he did.

Nature Coast Technical High School officials were forced to paint a good portion of the school’s football field green and add a large “2014” across it in a desperate attempt to disguise the giant penis. The student had burned it into the grass with weed killer.

Just look at that big ol’ wiener. It won’t win any awards, but it’s visible nonetheless. The exuberant kids perched on the tip, along with the pissed off maintenance workers in the back, just add another great element.

The principal was understandably pissed.

From Tampa Bay Times:

“I’m going to have over 2,000 people sitting in our stands, and we take great pride in our Nature Coast graduation,” Noyes said. “I was very disappointed that someone would do this and not think of the other students and the families that would have to look at this.”

The student was not allowed to walk with his class at graduation, but he was able to escape criminal charges.

Stay in school, kid. You’re far from the next van Gogh.

[via Tampa Bay Times]

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    1. BroeBear

      The fact that he couldn’t walk with his graduating class probably made him think long and hard about what he did though

      10 years ago at 12:04 pm
  1. AlcoholicAthlete

    seniors at my highschool did this in my first year 6 years ago it stayed on the field for 4 years

    10 years ago at 12:26 pm