Congress’ Decision To Celebrate National Seersucker Day Is The Best Thing To Come Out Of Washington In A While

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Seersucker is pretty frat, guys. I don’t care what you say–it is. It’s a timeless style that will make girls ogle the fuck out of you. What’s more frat than really attractive girls getting all hot and bothered over your impeccable fashion choices? Nothing. While I’ve never actually experienced this myself, it’s what they tell me.

Congress may not always be the coolest bunch, with half of them being old as dirt and all, but even a blind squirrel finds a nut occasionally. The “nut” Congress found is an initiative led by a super frat U.S. Representative from Louisiana, Bill Cassidy. Thanks to Representative Cassidy, tomorrow, June 11, is officially National Seersucker Day.

While Rep. Cassidy didn’t necessarily start the tradition of National Seersucker Day himself, he’s bringing it back after Congress felt it had more important issues to deal with. Morons.

From InTheCapital:

Wearing seersucker suits was actually a tradition started in the mid-1990’s by then Senator Trent Lott of Mississippi, to be coordinated on the third Thursday in June. The tradition was so well loved that new lawmakers were actually briefed on “Seersucker Thursdays” in their new members handbooks.

In 2012 the Senate decided to end the tradition, saying there were too many serious issues facing the country for Capitol Hill to waste a day focusing on their fashion.

Since seersucker is well ingrained into Greek culture, and considering many members of Congress went Greek in college, I can only imagine they are attempting to return to their glory days before every faux pas was thoroughly scrutinized. For those who aren’t Greek, well, they are most likely attempting to emulate one of the most successful and well off groups of people in the nation. For that, I cannot blame them.

National Seersucker Day. That’s what I call a TFM.

[via InTheCapital]

  1. OnceAPikeAlwaysAPike

    I’m just glad that this finally replaced “the guy that fucks great grandmas” post in the featured articles

    10 years ago at 12:14 pm
  2. golfs_finest

    Approximately 42 tryhards just switched to seersucker shorts, and will now proceed to celebrate a holiday they didn’t know existed.

    10 years ago at 1:05 pm
  3. Strom Thurmond

    Seersucker Wednesday? What the hell is wrong with you people, it is to be Seersucker Thursday. Congress can’t even read a fucking calendar it appears.

    10 years ago at 1:20 pm
    1. Governator

      I had to work with that cunt when I was governor. Trust me I’d know, she isn’t a woman.

      10 years ago at 11:13 pm
  4. PoliticallyIncorrect

    So few of them wear it correctly. If you don’t have white bucks on your feet get the fuck out

    10 years ago at 5:35 pm