Vandals Dump Paint Throughout Inside Of Iowa State TKE House Before Stealing Trophies

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Fraternities giving each other shit is nothing new. Whether it’s stealing from each other, minor vandalism, or just harmless pranks, it almost always stays within reason. However, there will always be a few idiots who cannot contain their destructive desires.

While the TKE chapter at Iowa State doesn’t know exactly who caused the damage at their house last night, some people really fucked it up without any signs of remorse.

From Insurance News Net:

Brandon Hulme, an ISU senior and member of Tau Kappa Epsilon, had just gotten back to the fraternity house from working at Paddy’s Irish Pub about 5 a.m. Sunday morning when he noticed white paint smeared on some of the front windows.

Inside, Hulme found paint smeared on the floor, splattered on walls and puddled on stairs throughout the first and second floors of the three-story house located at 224 Ash Ave.

While this might sound like the work of some dickheads looking to vandalize a fairly easy target, what really caught my attention was this little bit:

Along with the paint spread throughout the lower floors, eight trophies were missing from a trophy case on the first floor.

In my opinion, that essentially points the finger at fellow fraternities, or at the very least, fellow students. First, the trophies most likely have no value. Second, no one who was in the house to steal trophies for profit would spend the time it took to cover the house in paint. That’s some Hardy Boys-level detective shit for you.

The TKEs are facing tens of thousands of dollars in damages and are offering a $2,500 reward for any information regarding the vandalism.

The fraternity hasn’t received a final damage estimate from their insurance company yet, but Underwood said between all the carpet that has to be torn out and replaced, how widespread the damage was throughout the house and labor costs, they estimate the cost to be $20,000 to $50,000.

“Paint buckets were dropped on the stairwell and then they exploded,” Underwood said. “They threw paint buckets in areas that aren’t being remodeled.

What a bunch of jackasses.

[via Insurance News Net]

Image via Twitter

  1. SlayinTS717

    Shit happens 3 options:
    1. Alumni pay for it
    2. NIBs/Pledges do it
    3. Brothers live with it

    10 years ago at 1:08 pm
  2. Fuckedupfriday

    *fast forward two weeks*
    Recently at Iowa state, the bodies of 4 young gentleman were found with white paint cans shoved down their throats….

    10 years ago at 1:10 pm
    1. SouthernFrattitude

      Someone get this guy a beer, he thought of that all on that catchy slogan all by himself.

      10 years ago at 3:05 pm
      1. TwoBits

        I would’ve have approved of this comment if you knew how to form sentences properly.

        10 years ago at 4:57 pm