Enterprising Student Sells His Adderall For Cheez-Its, Gets Expelled For Being A Genius

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Adderall is always one of the most desired drugs in the world of education. It’s the perfect example of supply and demand, because come exam time, students are willing to give up damn near anything to get their hands on some of that magic in a capsule.

One enterprising little bastard at the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy was recently expelled from the school for selling his Adderall to classmates. While cash is always a nice medium of exchange, there are a few things in this world that I would rather use as currency, one of those things being Cheez-Its. The little genius did exactly that.

From Above The Law Redline:

A boy was expelled from the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy for “selling” ADD medication to a friend in exchange for Cheez-its, which one can only assume were the first thing to catch his line of sight after agreeing to the sale.

Sure, maybe it was the first thing he saw. In my opinion, however, the dude just wanted some Cheez-Its and saw a great opportunity. It’s exactly what I would do. In fact, I’m eating Cheez-Its as I type this.

For those of you thinking, “what a dumbass, he should’ve just taken cash and bought his own Cheez-Its,” he’s already one step ahead of you.

…the boy didn’t just trade the meds for a few Cheez-its: “he received several bags of chips/Cheez-its and/or $3.00 payments for this medication.”
That’s actually not a bad deal. According toStreetRx, the street value of an Adderall tablet in Chicago is about $5.

That is one smart little shit. Look for this kid to grace the cover of Forbes in a few years. He’s going places.

[via Above The Law Redline]

Image via Wikimedia Commons

  1. Roadkill Rager

    Street value in Chicago is usually a dollar for every 5 mg. So a 20 mg capsule would be $4.

    10 years ago at 11:39 am
  2. HouseChef_TFM

    Was gonna go with a “CHEEEEESE” gif from Old School but couldn’t find one. Found this though, kinda cool I guess.

    10 years ago at 11:46 am
    1. FuckingLegend

      Holy shit that’s a lot of cheez-it’s in his mouth at once…

      Dorn Salivates.

      10 years ago at 11:52 am
  3. Teddy Fucking Roosevelt


    10 years ago at 11:46 am
    1. Canada

      There was a point in my collegiate life when I traded an adderall capsule for a burger, fries, and a drink. Not gonna lie, I would go back.

      10 years ago at 1:25 am
  4. Canada

    There was a point in my collegiate life when I traded an adderall capsule for a burger, fries, and a drink…. Not gonna lie, I would go back.

    10 years ago at 2:10 am