Hold Everything, This Bounce House Is Made Of Boobs

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…Or not, because this bounce house looks just a little creepy. When I tend to think of large, plastic boobs, I typically picture them on a mother I would find at a kid’s tenth birthday party rather than on a jumping apparatus that I would typically find at a kid’s tenth birthday party.

This busty bounce house was dreamed up by the artistic duo Sam Bompas and Harry Parr. According to their website, the pair has previously used their talents to “create immersive flavour based experiences ranging from an inhabitable cloud of gin and tonic, a chocolate climbing wall and a Taste Experience for the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin.” The work is one of four, created for the FUNLAND: Pleasures & Perils of the Erotic Fairground exhibit, put on by New York’s Museum of Sex. Here is a video of people bouncing on it.

This seems like the kind of thing that seemed like a great idea in theory but fails to live up to the hype, which is the exact opposite of what fake boobs are supposed to do.

[via Nerve]

Image via Twitter