Looking For A Job? This Company Pays You In Beer

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My only question about this is what kind of beer? In addition to being paid a wage–most likely below the statutory minimum–SN Windows & Doors Ltd. was also paying employees with beer for working on Saturdays. Are we talking about the piss that Bud Light and Miller produce? Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for getting weird with some Natty Light, but if a majority of my compensation is paid to me in quantities of beer, I’d expect at the very least a nice, local IPA or Hefeweizen.

From New Zealand Herald:

Authority member Rachel Larmer said in her determination that it was obvious SN Windows and Doors Ltd had not kept accurate wage and time records, and even paid some staff with “a few beers” when they worked on Saturdays.

I think I can get behind being paid in beer for working on Saturdays. A large portion of my paychecks go to purchasing beer anyway, so why not eliminate the middle man? Get off work, pound those beers during a pregame, and then head off to the bars with a nice buzz. I do wonder what type of “few beers” we’re dealing with here, though. Is it the “few beers” I tell my family I had the night before when stumbling into church on Sunday morning or is it the legitimate “few beers” I have before any one of my numerous dates?

I wonder if this company has an open position for a Saturday-only job. I prefer a nice IPA, but really, I’d take anything that will get me drunk. Except Steel Reserve–I’d rather drink battery acid than that devil’s swill.

[via New Zealand Herald]

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  1. Captain Cumback

    Better be paid in American brewed beer since are dollar is worth more than sby other country.

    11 years ago at 2:36 pm
  2. Captain Cumback

    Better be paid in American brewed beer since are dollar is worth more than any other country.

    11 years ago at 2:36 pm
  3. gamefrock

    Cutting out the middle man, brilliant, revolutionary. “10/10” – Time Magazine

    11 years ago at 3:09 pm
  4. Blues_Ghost

    I guess this would really only be cutting out the middle man of a convenience store for me. Do raises come in packs of cigarettes?

    11 years ago at 6:30 pm
  5. NuMuoftheNorth

    You shut your whore mouth about Steel Reserve. Steel Reserve>battery acid>Miller Lite>IPA

    11 years ago at 1:24 am