The Guy Who Plans Wall Street Bachelor Parties Is Awesome

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Meet Lee Abbamonte. He is 35 years old and he considers himself a professional traveler. Many of his travels can be seen on the Travel Channel, on Fox News, and on his website. In addition to all these world travels, Abbamonte also has a side gig; he has become a party planner. Not just any old party planner, though–he plans the outrageous bachelor parties for the ballers on Wall Street. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if Mr. Belfort used this guy for his bachelor party.

It all started in 2008 when Abbamonte blogged about the party he threw for his friends in Vegas. Word got around, and soon, the 1 percent were willing to throw down $10,000 to have the craziest bachelor party ever. Yeah, to most of us $10,000 seems like a lot of dough, but to these Wall Street high rollers, $10,000 is chump change. These financial savants probably make at least $10,000 in one day. Abbamonte doesn’t waste these guys’ money, either. His bachelor parties are not your typical parties. For one thing, Abbamonte’s go-to place is not Vegas, but Kiev, Ukraine. In an interview with New York Magazine, he described his thought process of how he plans his parties. He also told some pretty insane stories.

Why does he prefer Kiev to Vegas? Abbamonte explains how in Eastern Europe, the nightlife does not end till 7 a.m.., and bottle service is way cheaper. Bottle service in a club in Kiev is $50–at that price, the amount of alcohol you could consume is astronomical. If my friends and I went into a club with $50 bottle service, we could drink enough alcohol between us to put a baby elephant to sleep. Another plus to having your bachelor party in Kiev is that you can drive a tank. Yes. A fucking tank, like Peter Griffin from “Family Guy.”

As far as strippers are concerned, Abbamonte told New York Magazine that he doesn’t really like them. He said strippers are too cliché, and on top of that, the most outrageous stripper requests aren’t even from the groom. Abbamonte is out to please the groom, not the Steve Stifler groomsmen, although he makes up for the lack of girls in other ways. Some of his activities include zip-lining, tank riding, ATV riding, bungee jumping, and even flying an F-16. He knows you have to hit the town at night, and when you have Wall Street bankers dropping cash at clubs, girls will absolutely flock to the table to show those guys the time of their lives.

Abbamonte also has other towns in mind for bachelor parties, such as Krakow, Poland, and Medellín, Colombia. Krakow has girl oil wrestling, and Medellín has killer villas, Pablo Escobar tours, and loose women. Plus, if I remember “Wolf Of Wall Street” correctly, I’m sure these guys would love to go to the cocaine capital of the world.

All I know is that I want this guy’s fucking job.

[via NY Mag]

  1. TFM4

    “Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if Mr. Belfort used this guy for his bachelor party.”
    This guy would have been 18 around then, so I’m sure that’s what happened

    10 years ago at 3:57 pm
  2. TrustMeImPre_Med

    Putting him on retainer for however many times I marry twenty year olds.

    10 years ago at 4:15 pm
  3. Tyler Sperry

    With $10 bags in Medellin, I’d probably die within 40 minutes of arriving if I had my bachelor party there

    10 years ago at 7:47 pm
  4. Andre_and_Adderall

    Let’s hope he hires lots of security if he wants to bring a bunch of Wall Street bankers to fucking Medellin

    10 years ago at 11:27 pm