12 WKU Fraternity Brothers Are Biking Across America To Raise Alzheimer’s Awareness

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From the outside, non-Greeks (read: GDIs) like to label fraternities as organizations that haze, party, and have sex with gorgeous women. While we do party and have sex with gorgeous women, there is one aspect of fraternity life that they always fail to mention: how philanthropic we are. Greek life donates millions of dollars to charities to help those in need. It’s one of the reasons that makes Greek life so great. It all goes back to people helping people.

Twelve Western Kentucky fraternity brothers recently set out on a 56-day bike ride across the country. They started in San Diego and will end in D.C., which is nearly 3,000 miles apart. They are raising awareness and money for Alzheimer’s disease in what is known as “Bike 4 Alz.”

From WLKY:

Bike 4 Alz is an organization that started at WKU in 2010. Its goal is to help find a cure for Alzheimer’s disease. That first year, the group raised $56,000, but this new crop of riders is aiming even higher.

The bikers want to raise $100K by the time they finish their ride. Right now, they need around $35K to hit their goal, and they have 16 days left to ride. Hats off to these gentleman for doing what they are doing. I plan on making a pledge, and I hope that you do, too. Just go to www.bike4alz.org to donate. Let’s help some fellow fraternity brothers reach their goal.

[via WLKY]

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