SNHU Traveled Around The World To Bring Graduation To Military Members And Their Families

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The simple, daily sacrifices that members of the military and their families have to endure are well documented. These sacrifices are not exclusive to deployments, and most assignments stay the same regardless of whether our country is in the middle of a war or not.

One often forgotten sacrifice members of the military and their families make is something as simple as being able to walk across the stage at their own college graduation. While some graduates may choose not to walk, not having the choice as to whether or not you’d like to celebrate your accomplishment is something many of these men and women face every semester. Their choice is simple–the military always wins.

Thankfully, South New Hampshire University recognized this and dispatched its staff across the country–and even to Singapore–to provide its recently graduated military students and their families private graduation ceremonies in order to recreate some of the celebration they were forced to miss.

I can only hope this becomes a trend among colleges and universities across the country.

Good on you, South New Hampshire University.

[via YouTube]

Image via YouTube

  1. USArmy

    Motion to have The SNHU Guy replace The DeVry Guy and write all military related articles.

    10 years ago at 10:56 am