Police Use Helicopter To Break Up Massive New York Graduation Blowout

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Since the release of Project-X, every massive house party to be broken up by police has been compared to the one seen in the movie. Well, that’s exactly what I’m about to do, because this party sounds insane.

Last week, Onondaga County Sheriff’s deputies responded to a reported disturbance at a house in a residential neighborhood in Pompey, New York. When they arrived, they discovered an out of control party with around 200 cars lining the street and 500-700 people crammed into a backyard.

While being surrounded by several hundred drunk partygoers, someone threw a glass bottle that struck the windshield of their patrol car.

From Syracuse.com:

At that point, the deputies who responded realized it would take more help to break up such a large party. While they were waiting for help, party-goers threw a glass bottle at a patrol car, Wiggins said.

In order to control the chaos and attempt to disperse the crowd, officers were forced to bring in their helicopter and at least 20 more officers from the Onondaga Sheriff’s Department, the Manlius Police Department, and the New York State Police. As backup began to arrive, the partiers started to scatter, tearing down fences and running through neighboring yards as they escaped the neighborhood.

Once the blowout was cleared, police found a yard covered in empty beer and wine bottles.

Police questioned the 23-year-old host and he told them that his parents were out of town and gave him permission to have a graduation party at their house. Sure enough, his parents squashed that lie immediately.

After the party had been broken up, deputies called York’s mother, Patricia McGinnis. She told them she was more than nine hours away and that she had not given her son permission to throw any party.

Thankfully, the cops were either very understanding or severely overwhelmed, and chose not to arrest anyone.

[via Syracuse.com]

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    1. HouseChef_TFM

      Why the underscore in between the “Pre” and the “Med”? It throws off the uniformed flow of your entire name and, quite frankly, I don’t like it and am not going to trust you.

      10 years ago at 3:54 pm