Man Creates Kickstarter Campaign Seeking $10 For Potato Salad, Internet Donates More Than $30K

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It’s incredible what people will spend money on.

Several days ago, a man named Zack Brown from Columbus, Ohio, created a Kickstarter campaign with a goal of $10. His campaign wasn’t for anything special. All he wanted to do was create a delicious potato salad. Well, the Internet discovered his campaign and did what the Internet does best: turn ordinary things into extraordinary events.

In less than a week, Brown collected $10,030 more than he originally expected. He’s collected around $10,040–that’s not a joke. People have donated more than $10K to help this man make the best potato salad ever.

This is his original description, most likely meant as a simple joke.

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The project also faced some pretty severe challenges.

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Thankfully, the Internet came through and made this man’s dream a reality. He even posted a YouTube video thanking his supporters.

The project will be open until August 2, leaving plenty of time to further increase an already staggering number of donations.

The Internet, man. It’s a special place.


As of Monday at 10:50 PM, he has raised over $31,000. Un-fucking-believable.

[via Kickstarter]

  1. LeGronk

    Hey thanks for this riveting article, Bogey. Except maybe next time don’t ever post something this stupid again.

    11 years ago at 3:58 pm
    1. TrustMeImPre_Med

      Thats because this guy’s potato salad is more of a reality than the TFM movie

      11 years ago at 4:58 pm
  2. GreatLakesFratMove

    America, where we give someone 10k to make potato salad but won’t Donate 10 cents to starving kids in Africa.

    11 years ago at 6:08 pm
  3. PikeBikesIncorporated

    Over 30,000 free dollars. Bet he pays for the potato salad ingredients with EBT to save even more money.

    11 years ago at 12:35 am
  4. Black Santa

    i was thinking about this last night…. doesnt he have to use all 30k on making the potato salad, because thats the stated reason he needed the money? like if he used the money in other ways it would be fraud? im not too familiar with law so someone explain this to me

    11 years ago at 8:45 am