Anti-Gambling Ad Backfires As Germany Continues To Win

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Before the World Cup, Singapore decided to create an anti-gambling ad. The commercial centers around a bunch of kids talking about which team they think will win. All the kids except for one seem very happy and excited. One kid says Brazil will win (whoops) and another says Argentina will. The camera then turns to another kid, named Andy. I was unaware that Andy is a common name in Singapore. Anyway, Andy has a very gloomy look. He says he hopes Germany will win. The others ask him why, and he replies, “My dad bet all my savings on them.” The median household income of Singapore is almost $8,000. More like Singapoor, am I right? Immediately, all the kids’ smiles disappear. However, now that Germany is in the World Cup final after annihilating Brazil, many people are poking fun at the ad. Why? The irony is just too perfect.

This ad wasn’t just aired on TV or posted on YouTube. This campaign was advertised very heavily on the streets, with posters everywhere. So, basically, a good amount of the Singapore population is very aware of this ad. People have begun to say how the dad is actually pretty smart. One Facebook user said, “This ad has given hope to all gamblers!” Singapore’s Minister for Manpower Tan Chuan-Jin wrote on his Facebook account, “Looks like the boy’s father who bet all his savings on Germany will be laughing all the way to the bank!”

However, this fictional gambling addict of a father is not out of the woods yet. Germany will have to play either the Netherlands or Argentina in the final, and both of those teams are really fucking good. Perhaps the creators of this ad should have picked a team that most would not think to win, such as Iran, Australia, or Japan. All the anti-gambling people can do now is learn from their mistakes and make a more realistic ad for the next World Cup. Check out the ad for yourself. The kid could possibly become very rich, but maybe the ad will still retain its integrity if Germany loses in the final.

[via Wall Street Journal]

Image via YouTube

  1. RageEveryDay

    I’m just impressed Singapore has an official position titled “Minister for Manpower”.

    10 years ago at 4:52 pm
  2. Jerry Seinfrat

    Maybe put the video at the top so you don’t have to explain the entire ad. Just a thought.

    10 years ago at 10:13 pm