Beer Saves The Day As Monks Open Brewery

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My fraternity brothers and I have had our fair share of brilliant fundraising ideas. We went down the typical routes: busty girls washing cars, beef and beer parties, and brothers growing disgusting facial hair. I rocked a fu manchu for the better part of a year for one of our philanthropies. When you’re ridiculously good looking like I am, or like my boy Leo DiCaprio is, sometimes you come up with challenges for yourself to keep things interesting with the ladies. Unfortunately, I wasn’t up to that challenge, as that was the longest dry spell I’ve experienced in my seven years here at State, but I digress.

Trappist monks at St. Joseph’s Abbey in Spencer, Mass., have kept their monastery afloat for the last 60 years with the support of their own line of jellies and jams. Do you know the difference between jelly and jam? You can’t jelly your dick–ah, once again, I digress. But with the ever-changing times, the preserves business hasn’t rolled in enough cash flow for the monastery to survive.

So where did these monks turn in dire times? Simply put: to beer. These Trappist monks are starting to do what their European brethren have done for centuries and are now brewing their own product.

From CNN Money:

Spencer Brewery opened its doors earlier this year as the first Trappist brewery outside of Europe.

“We really brew on the practical level to sustain a way of life,” Friar Isaac said. “Plus, it brightens up Sunday suppers.”

Every group of buddies discusses brewing their own beer at one time or another, but rarely do such plans come to fruition. Friar Isaac and the boys over at Spencer seem to be doing alright. I guess it’s time to hit the drawing board and get my own pipe dream of brewing beer rolling. However, unlike St. Joseph’s, practicality isn’t the first thing on my mind.

[via CNN Money]

Image via CNN Money