The Rich Kids Of Instagram Are Having A Way Better Summer Than You

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Writing for TFM has given me the best fucking summer in the entire world. I’ve seen Hot Piece of TSM’s boobs at a pool party rager, learned the real reason the Chili’s guy got blackballed, and met all of DeVry Guy’s imaginary girlfriends (yet I still refuse to meet the real ones he has locked up in his basement, no matter how persistent he may be). And yet, these rich bitches on Instagram have the balls to flaunt their shit and pretend that their summer beats lifting heavy things and hollering at shorties with Jack Hammer or playing a round of 18 with Bogey Wells. It’s honestly ridiculous. I mean, just look at their pictures and try to tell me that they’re having a frattier summer than I am.

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@ahmed_aljuffali: Takeoff! #yachtlife #cannes

I see no hoes on said boat. NF.

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@official_antoine: I was playing tennis at a friend’s home when two other friends came in a helicopter to play tennis with us

Thanks for fucking ruining the nice game of tennis that was going on by landing your helicopter directly onto the court. NF.

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@mralexpod: Always make sure to tip your pilot and co-pilot 10k. #rulesofflyingprivate

More like the back of a camper. NF.

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@maxleif: Cockside pooltails in the PH with my fluffy little b**** #penthouselife

This looks too much like Brooklyn. I hope you enjoy your craft beer, hipster. NF.

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@andrewstewart_12: Only part of the aftermath #turnup #warzone #nyc

We raged harder at my little cousin’s bat mitzvah. NF.

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@the_marcus_adolf: Shopping time at #SaksFifthAvenue #SanFrancisco! #BlackCard #AmexBlackCard #AmericanExpress #centurioncard #accessories #cartier #hermes #exclusive #expensive #uwol #rkoi #thegoodlife

There are, like, 17,000 other people who have a black card. Do you have a Magnises card? I have two. NF.

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@mralexpod: Didn’t have weekend plans until about 5 mins ago. Packing for Vegas. #murika #happybdayusa #letsgo #lasvegas

WOW. No weekend plans ’til the last minute? Seems like a pity invite to me. NF.

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@Coleshneider: Ain’t no thang #stacked #rolex

One watch tells you the time. The other two tell you you’re stupid. NF.

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@eli_miz: I’ve been drinking and Romanée-Conti #IfYouKnowYouKnow

No slam. NF.

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@ericadowns: Family lunch. #thehelp #thehamptons

Cool, you had a catered lunch. Never seen that before. NF.

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@harry_brant: The Day Of Rest

Meh. That girl’s a six at best. NF.

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@jacksiebert: Mykonos. #yourenotthere

Europe. NF.

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@anilarjandas: The AP Kilo with almost 1,5 kg!! Need to buy a new scale as this one is just up to 1500g

Using the metric system. NF.

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@traviskipp: #hampslife #enjoysummerwhileyoucan

Putting wine in slam’s mouth, but nothing else. NF.

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@allefoglia: It’s my birthday let me spend my money #aces

This is the definition of a geed. NF.

Love them, hate them, or you’re a sorostitute who wants to have their kids so you can trap them, these one percenters are hands down having a better summer than you are. But not me. A few weeks ago, I went to a high school graduation party in south Jersey that may or may not have served only frozen pizza. I say “may not,” because I was too drunk trying to forget that I was in the Garden State to tell if the thing I was eating was edible. But just to prove I am having a better summer than these kids on Instagram, I, too, snapped a photo highlighting my night.

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Best. Summer. Ever.

[via Daily Mail]

Images via Instagram

  1. Tuco1855

    If you’re that rich and want everyone to know, why not show off the girls you hang out with like Bilzerian? No one gives a shit about your “stuff”

    10 years ago at 12:02 pm
    1. Car Dick

      Bilz orders his girls. So technically it is still “stuff”. Sorry to break the illusion guys, it’s out there if you look for it.

      He also got $20mil in a trust fund and gambled it up to $100mil. So he is pretty much the same as these people, he’s just more fun to watch.

      As a big Bilzerian supporter, I don’t give a shit, it’s just unwise to think he’s different than these “rich kids”.

      10 years ago at 6:26 pm
      1. RisingFratstarOfTX

        He quintupled what he had. These kids will never ever do diddly shit with their parents’ money. So yeah, he is different.

        10 years ago at 8:08 pm
      2. JustForTheStory

        I think we all agree Bilzerian is a douchebag. But he’s a douchebag that entertains the masses. That’s good enough for me.

        10 years ago at 3:17 am
  2. Jay Pritchett

    Bilzerian loves money cause of the freedom it buys him. These tools are so caught up in showing people what they have that it’s like they’re the opposite of that

    10 years ago at 12:04 pm
  3. AEKDBallin

    Wow, the hate in the air is palpable. What the fuck is happening here? Since when do we elitists talk down to the other 1%ers? NF. Oh well, your hate won’t hurt them, ‘cuz they’re TRTC

    10 years ago at 12:16 pm
    1. JustForTheStory

      There is nothing wrong with inheriting money in and of itself. It’s the not doing anything to grow that money and accomplish something as an individual that makes you an asswipe.

      10 years ago at 11:04 pm
  4. southern_pride_in_PA

    having to show off your money to get recognition. NF. Having your money speak for you. TFM

    10 years ago at 12:24 pm