Community Gifts WWII Vet With Replacement Medals Lost In Wildfire

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These days, it seems as if most of the news stories you read make you completely lose faith in society. When something like this comes along, though, it really gives you a shot of confidence to know there are people out there who aren’t as dumb as the rest of the population. It’s a refreshing feeling.

In May, a rampant wildfire ripped through the town of Fritch, Texas, and the wildfire caused many residents to lose everything they had. One of the residents who fell victim to the fire was WWII veteran Leroy George. Among his possessions lost in the fire were all of his medals he earned during the war, including his Purple Heart.

From News Channel 10:

Like many residents, Leroy George lost everything in the wildfire, including military memorabilia he had kept safe for more than 70 years.

Two local community groups teamed up to help Leroy reunite with his prized possessions.

The Celebration Family Church and the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 404 joined forces to give George back a piece of his past. They surprised him Sunday by presenting him with replacement medals in a shadow box, including his purple heart.

Leroy is rebuilding his house in Fritch and he calls the gesture “a real gift that will never be forgotten.” You are a true hero, Leroy.

With the amount of people who look down on our troops and don’t do much to assist them when in need, stories like this really restore my faith in the world. God bless those who support our troops and veterans, and God bless those who have served and are serving.

[via News Channel 10]

  1. Troy Kennedy

    It would be nice if the liberal media would cover this and give them the respect they deserve.

    10 years ago at 1:00 pm
  2. Broties n Boatshoes

    Literally got chills reading this and seeing this hero be presented with the medals he never thought he’d see again. God bless our veterans.

    10 years ago at 1:38 pm
  3. CalNaughtonJr

    It is very nice to see several posts in the past few weeks about how communities and individuals are supporting and rallying around our veterans. Respecting the past and those who shaped it. #FaF.

    10 years ago at 1:47 pm