Vandals Spray Paint Swastikas Outside Of Oregon AEPi’s Fraternity House

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It has been an interesting week in Eugene, Ore. Two days ago, we reported on the University of Oregon Police Department’s list of people and things that should “eat a bowl of dicks.”

While the UOPD was busy adding to their list, some unscrupulous vandals spray painted the mailboxes directly across the street from the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity house.

From KATU:

Eugene police are investigating swastikas that were found painted onto mailboxes near a Jewish fraternity near the University of Oregon.

The Register-Guard says the mailbox belongs to a neighboring apartment complex but directly faces the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity.

For those of you wondering why this is newsworthy and not your everyday, idiotic fraternity graffiti, Alpha Epsilon Pi is an international Jewish fraternity.

The fraternity members discovered the graffiti late Monday evening, and police still do not have any suspects.

While this seems like such an outrageous act, fraternity members say this is not the first time they have been targeted.

[via KATU and KMVT]

Image via Oregon Alpha Epsilon Pi

  1. ssbest15

    As a Jewish fraternity member who has received such targeting before, I say do what I do; cunt punt the Nazis.

    10 years ago at 7:46 am