Middle Schoolers Use Museum Exhibit That Uploads Directly To Youtube To Film Themselves Cussing, Being Idiots

There truly is not much funnier than middle school kids who think they are the shit. I can’t blame them for their undeserved sense of swag, though – I for sure peaked in middle school. I always won the “penis” game, I was in seven of my friends’ Top 8s on Myspace, and I ran the a la carte line in the school cafeteria. And, if I was still in middle school, what these middle school frat stars did is the exact kind of shit I would do.

The Newseum in Washington, D.C. has an exhibit called “Be A TV Reporter.” In this exhibit, museum guests stand in front of a green screen and record themselves reading a pre-prepared news report off of a teleprompter. This report is then uploaded to the museum’s Youtube page for later viewing and social media sharing. This is what the Newseum wants the reports to look like:

Of course, when middle schoolers are given a camera, a microphone, and time, hilarious things are going to happen. The fact that these kids probably had no idea that the videos are uploaded directly to Youtube and set on “Public” might’ve played a factor, too.

Here is a good sampling of the shenanigans. I recommend skipping about 10 seconds into each one to bypass the made-up reporters. Sorry, John Molesky.

Bids all around.

  1. Evan24

    Bids all around? Really? The batman kid gets a bid? I could probably get my name added to the founders list in that fraternity for getting to first base.

    10 years ago at 10:35 am
  2. Beta Theta Phrat

    Let’s be honest, this sounds like the work of Dorn. He probably set it up so that the videos stream right to his YouTube channel

    10 years ago at 10:42 am
  3. Fratagonia6969

    Apparently Dorn likes his children like he likes his Tire Mascots, white and covered with rolls.

    10 years ago at 10:49 am
  4. Nat Frat Splats MTF

    These are the cleanest videos of middle school boys ever to cross Dorn’s desk.

    10 years ago at 10:55 am
  5. wanttoseemyaquarium

    A reporter named Molesky? Sounds like they are targeting Dorns demographic.

    10 years ago at 11:03 am