Man Jumps Out Of Moving Car To Escape Bitching Girlfriend

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A man from Fife, Wash., decided to jump out of the passenger side of a car rather than continue to listen to his girlfriend bitch. According to police, the couple was driving down the Pacific Coast Highway around 3:30 p.m. when the man, who has not been identified, took a dive out of the vehicle onto the pavement.

I imagine it went down a lot like this.


This apparently wasn’t enough of a message to his girlfriend that he didn’t want to talk.

From Komo News:

The car drove into a parking lot, where the driver — later identified as 33-year-old Alice Finley — quickly stopped and accelerated to close the open passenger door. The officer could hear Finley yelling at the man, who was walking away. According to the charging documents, the officer turned on his lights, but Finley quickly accelerated through the parking lot and wouldn’t stop even when the officer turned on his siren. Finley entered the street without checking for traffic and ran a red light, according to the charging documents.

The man who had jumped out of her car entered the street in an attempt to stop her but reportedly had to jump out of the way when Finley only slowed down. According to the charging documents, the man dove back through the passenger window as Finley passed and tried to wrestle control of the car from her while his feet dangled out the window. Finley drove into a parking lot, where she finally stopped. The man got in front of her car to block it, but she kept lurching into him in an attempt to scare him or push him out of the way, according to the charging documents.

When the officer approached the stopped vehicle, Alice had to be physically dragged out of her car and detained. She was charged with attempting to elude a pursuing police vehicle.

When the man was questioned, he confirmed he had been dating Alice for nine months. His reason for launching out of the car was that he no longer wanted to argue with her.

Nine months? Buddy, if shit escalated this quickly on the crazy train after only nine months of dating, you need to jump out of her life. Granted, if she’s this insane in public, imagine what kind of demon she might be under the sheets. Trust me, there’s a good amount of crazy a girl should have, but Alice isn’t even remotely close to walking that line.

[via Komo News]

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  1. duckdog

    I’ve never jumped out of a moving car, but I am man enough to admit that there have been two occasions in my life where I just turned and ran when a psycho (ex) girlfriend got too unbearable.

    10 years ago at 1:35 pm
  2. DornFromMajorLeague

    “Man I’m sick of her bitching, but I don’t know how to safely exit this moving vehicle. Well I know what Peppy from Star Fox would tell me to do.” *does barrel roll*

    10 years ago at 1:43 pm