Drunk Idiot Drives Over Himself With Pickup Truck

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Another day, another news story of someone being incredibly stupid in Florida. Joseph H. Carl, a 48-year-old resident of Gainesville, is being charged with a DUI and a DUI with property damage after hitting the rear of another vehicle with his Dodge Ram 1500 truck.

If it wasn’t bad enough, this drunk asshole jumped out of his pickup and began harassing the woman inside the car he hit. She was frightened to the point where she drove off, leaving nothing to hold back the truck, which was not in park.

From The Gainesville Sun:

The truck began to roll, and Carl, standing in front of the vehicle, put out his arms and tried to stop it, but it ran over him, the report said. Police and paramedics arrived, but Carl refused medical treatment.

Carl was stumbling and had a strong odor of alcohol, police said. He told police he was coming from Live Oak and had had three beers. Inside the truck, police found an open and cool 16-oz. can of Miller High Life along with numerous other empty beer cans. Carl told the officer that he does not drink and drive. When asked about the beer cans in his truck, he said he was only drinking while he drove home.

They ended up taking this jabroni to UF Health Shands Hospital, where he was treated for fractures in his foot and hand. He also had a blood alcohol level of .22.

Luckily, the only injuries reported were his hand, his foot, and most certainly his pride.

[via The Gainesville Sun]

  1. McFrat

    Another Florida resident doing something incredibly stupid? Nothing new to see here, folks.

    10 years ago at 1:43 pm
  2. Southernrepublican92

    As a Florida resident I can guarantee this kind of stuff happens on a weekly basis

    10 years ago at 2:47 pm