Alabama Hospital Accidentally Amputates 56-Year-Old Man’s Penis

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A man from Birmingham, Ala., went into a local hospital for a routine procedure. After a colossal mistake, he left much less of a man than when he entered.

From The Daily Mail:

An Alabama man awoke from a routine circumcision to find doctors had mistakenly amputated his penis, according to a lawsuit. Johnny Lee Banks Jr., 56, and his wife, Zelda Banks, 55, filed the lawsuit against Princeton Baptist Medical Center in Jefferson County Circuit Court in Birmingham on Tuesday. ‘My client is devastated,’ their attorney, John P. Graves, said. It is not known why Banks underwent the circumcision last month, but the lawsuit says he had been receiving treatment from the Urology Centers of Alabama when he went for the procedure.

In his lawsuit, he says he was never warned that the procedure might result in an amputation, and he never gave his consent for a full or partial amputation.He has now been left in extreme pain and has spent additional time recovering in the hospital – costing him more money, according to the lawsuit, reported. His wife is also suing for loss of consortium due to the botched operation.

First off, life is over for this poor guy. Also “routine circumcision” doesn’t apply when talking about a 56-year-old man–it’s a little late in the game for that. Still that’s no excuse for doctors to cut off homeboy’s dick.

The spokeswoman for the hospital says the claims lack merit.

Really? Well there’s a pretty easy way to find out whether or not these claims have merit. Time to drop those drawers, Johnny.

A similar lawsuit was brought up in 2011 in Kentucky, when a doctor partially amputated a patient’s penis after finding deadly cancer. In that case, the jury concluded proper care was performed even though the patient was not consulted.

Regardless how this lawsuit pans out, Johnny still loses.

[via The Daily Mail]

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    1. Piker is a bitch

      Happened to my nephew back in ’74, we had to put him down on his 12 birthday

      10 years ago at 6:17 pm
  1. roundrockdonuts

    Welcome to Alabama where your wife is your sister and your penis gets cut off by a doctor drunk off of moonshine. Roll Tide

    10 years ago at 4:24 pm
  2. Livefree_Frathard769

    Most lawsuits these days are plain frivolous but damn I hope this guy takes everything the hospital has. This is downright cruel.

    10 years ago at 5:13 pm