TFM Wants You To Become A Campus Ambassador

Well, not all of you. Actually, very few of you. Truth be told, Grandex is only looking for one guy and one girl from your campus to represent our brands–Total Frat Move and Rowdy Gentleman for the guy, Total Sorority Move and Lady Clothing for the girl–in our new ambassador program.

This exclusive duo would ideally fit the stereotypical BMOC or Queen B of your school. Think someone who is the life of the party, the social butterfly, the ambitious-minded extrovert who always has something going on that he or she has to tell you about. This person has always been annoyingly cool. He’s not the guy you run into at the party. He’s the one who planned it, ordered the strippers, convinced your social chair to dip deeper into the budget for the 10 extra kegs and ice luge, and then tells you all about it on your way to find an impressionable freshman on the dance floor. Does this describe you? If it does, you’re a solid candidate.

The Grandex ambassador program needs your school’s premiere candidates to get involved with our brand’s content and commerce.

Regarding content, you’ll get to be our eyes and ears at your school. You’re in tune with all the big events, stories, and interesting tidbits around campus. If you think it’s worthy of a story on TFM, drop us a line.

For commerce, you’ll get to let your imagination run wild in planning and pushing our clothing lines. You’ll run different events, such as trunk shows, tailgates, and parties–whichever methods you believe will be most effective on your campus.

What’s in it for you?

A ton of free merch from Rowdy Gentleman and Lady Clothing, for starters. We’ll also send you our products before they are available to the public. Another fun perk of the job is your opportunity to see the inner workings of some of the most popular sites and brands on the Internet. If that’s not enough, the top reps will receive an all-expenses-paid trip to Cancun for spring break. You can throw it on the résumé, and, if applicable, get school credit, too. Win-win.

Click here to apply. 


  1. Shibby

    Even after being told this is, “only for college level students” by the Grandex staff, Dorn has been vigorously recruiting at local elementary schools.

    10 years ago at 10:48 am
    1. JustForTheStory

      Unfortunately for Grandex Dorn insists they have their Rowdy Gentlemen attire off.

      10 years ago at 2:47 pm
  2. Shibby

    I’d like to recruit Lucky Jo and RushToRehab as my Bedroom ambASSadors. If you know what I mean.

    10 years ago at 11:01 am
    1. StudlyAtEverything

      Who is the little brunette cutie that we see pics of sometimes? The one Devry Guy had to tell that she had nice tits?

      10 years ago at 11:04 am
      1. StudlyAtEverything

        Hey back. I would just like you to know I find you very attractive. That is all for now.

        10 years ago at 3:17 pm
  3. Nat Frat Splats MTF

    Blackball me again and the campus ambassador gets a knuckle sandwich free of charge.

    10 years ago at 11:40 am
  4. Rocky Fralboa

    To get the job all you have to do is see Dorn for some “extra curricular activities” after the interview.

    10 years ago at 10:41 pm