Kansas State Football Coach Bill Snyder Essentially Lives Off Taco Bell

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Bill Snyder, the legendary 74-year-old head coach, has single-handedly made Kansas State relevant in football since 1989. Before he got there, the Wildcats had a cumulative record over their 93-year history of 299 wins and 510 loses. The situation was so bad, Sports Illustrated published an article titled “Futility U” and labeled Kansas State the most hapless team in America. Since then, over two separate stints and with a retirement in between, Snyder has gone 178-90-1, led the Wildcats to a national number one ranking, and has had the stadium in which he coaches named after him.

Like any coach, he works long hours on the practice field, studying film, and on the recruitment trail day in and day out. Snyder does so without taking breaks or stopping for lunch and limits himself to one meal a day.

From ESPN:

Snyder, 74, still works 18-hour days as he is about to begin his 23rd season as the Wildcats’ coach, and he refuses to take lunch breaks. He usually doesn’t eat until after he leaves the office.

“One meal a day is accurate,” Snyder said Wednesday, during an interview at ESPN. “It’s not always Taco Bell. I like Taco Bell. But I eat at other places.”

Snyder said Taco Bell is sometimes his only option because he returns home so late.

“Taco Bell is open at midnight,” Snyder said. “[My wife’s cooking] is not.”

Who knew Doritos Locos Tacos and Quesaritos were the secret to a long and successful career. It can’t be ideal for Snyder’s health, but so long as Billy is winning football games, he might as well just stick to T-Bell.

[via ESPN]

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  1. Clive Fratsby

    Also the highway to get into manhattan is named “Coach Bill Snyder Highway”

    10 years ago at 2:11 pm
  2. TheDetective

    Bill Snyder eats Taco Bell because he is working too hard to eat anything else. I eat Taco Bell because I’m a cheap slob that doesn’t care about his personal health. Still delicious though.

    10 years ago at 2:17 pm
  3. DiscoDusty_1855

    Maybe Robbie TryHardo can write him a letter about all those secret menu items…

    10 years ago at 2:29 pm
  4. Justinbieberisapike

    I think most of us knew long before college that Taco Bell was the key to years of success.

    10 years ago at 3:45 pm
  5. Not_a_CIA_Spy

    20 plus years and 178-90-1 isn’t considered that successful where I come from.

    10 years ago at 4:43 pm
    1. agr1580

      What’s you record as a football coach that took over the laughingstock of the NCAA with nothing but 1,2 and occasionally 3 star players?

      10 years ago at 8:28 pm