ESPN Employee And Fan Of FSU Rival Tweeted That She Wanted To Punch Jimbo Fisher When She Saw Him


Far be it from me to lecture anyone about professionalism — I used to prank call clients with funny names for shits and gigs out of both mind numbing boredom and astounding immaturity — but, then again, that was at a crappy job with no stakes and zero visibility. Were I working as a producer at ESPN, I might be less inclined to do something that could threaten my job, such as tweeting about how I wanted to punch a rival football team’s coach in the face upon seeing him in the halls.

Natasha Rose, an ESPN production assistant and an apparently dedicated Miami Hurricanes fan, did exactly that upon seeing Florida State coach Jimbo Fisher in the hallways of ESPN today while he was doing his media rounds.

Probably not the best idea. Don’t get me wrong, if I were in that situation and Charlie Weiss had cruised by me on an engine-wincing Hoveround it would be nearly impossible not to tweet something snarky. It’d be an exciting challenge to fit everything from “he smells like the dumpster at a Gates BBQ” to the ineptitude of kansas football in 140 characters.

Rose quickly realized her mistake and deleted her entire Twitter account. Unfortunately for her, Florida State is a passionate, southern fan base, which means they have an army of angry Twitter trolls ready to mobilize, shame, and harass at a moment’s notice. The Florida State blog Tomahawk Nation was on the story pretty fast as well.

ESPN issued a short response to the blog:

The tweet did not represent ESPN. While we understand our employees are some of the most passionate sports fans, the nature of the comment was inappropriate and we are addressing it with her.

I’m sure she has enough ESPN sexual harassment blackmail to keep her job. If anything, this whole situation could make for a great “This is SportsCenter” commercial.

[via Tomahawk Nation]

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  1. RehabillitatedGamefrock

    She seems like a real winner, but I’d slump that bitch silly if she stepped up to me.

    10 years ago at 4:31 pm
  2. Frattylightrebels

    I’m sure if I was a Miami fan, I would want to punch myself for being a Miami fan

    10 years ago at 10:18 pm