Newly Released NCAA Study Shows Which Sports Have The Most Stoners

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It’s no secret that college sports teams are full of talented young men and women who love dabbling in the marijuana. At least once a week, I read another news release about a football player finding himself on the wrong side of the law, thanks to his pot use. However, according to a new study released by the NCAA, only 24 percent of college football players admitted to smoking pot within the last year. That’s good for a piss-poor sixth place finish.

The real kings of weed in college athletics are none other than the lacrosse players, with nearly 50 percent of them admitting to marijuana use.

It’s really not even a close race. While football may consistently make the headlines, it’s still struggling in single A, while lacrosse is a perennial all-star in the big leagues.

As far as the women go, lacrosse takes the gold home, too. The oft-forgotten sport of field hockey earned the silver.

The NCAA also researched the percentage of athletes who used the drug among its different divisions. Unsurprisingly, D3 athletes dominate the statistics, with 29 percent of them admitting to marijuana use.

I assume the thought process here is, “Fuck it. I’m D3, I’m not going to be a professional athlete. Might as well hotbox every fucking thing I see.” I could not agree more.

Keep doing your thing, lax.

Image via Twitter

    1. TauKappaFrat984

      I guess being on a lacrosse team is an effective way to weed out the non-smokers.

      11 years ago at 9:07 pm
  1. DasCrow

    Lax being invented by the original stoners of america, good to see nothing’s changed

    11 years ago at 6:19 pm
  2. RehabillitatedGamefrock

    Lacrosse and pot are probably the two most debatable topics in the ‘F or NF’ article and I believe we’ve found the link.

    11 years ago at 6:40 pm
  3. Northern Lax

    That number should be way higher. I stopped smoking weed after my freshman year cuz it made me a shithead, but every college player I knew except a handful blazed.

    11 years ago at 6:56 pm
    1. PhiPsiPhrat

      Well, this is a study of the percentage that have admitted use. The actual use percentage must be higher than that.

      11 years ago at 7:45 pm
  4. Couf

    You would think football and basketball would be top two. Not because of race of course

    11 years ago at 8:10 pm
    1. You Pledges Suck

      African-Americans actually smoke significantly less weed than white people (they just get arrested for it in far greater numbers).

      11 years ago at 7:52 am
  5. roundrockdonuts

    Makes sense all the rich white sports are first. Golf and tennis are lacking because their drug of choice is cocajne

    11 years ago at 8:16 pm
  6. Frat Frenis

    As a student at a D3 school I can from first hand experience say that D3 athletes smoke the must weed. I’ve smoked with our starting QB.

    11 years ago at 9:54 pm