Kate Upton Isn’t Posing Nude Because Of All You Perverted Creeps On Social Media

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I’m paraphrasing, but that’s basically what she told Details Magazine.

All of you “please sit on my face” and “I’d drag my testicles across a mile of burning coals just to sniff the chair you sat in during 3rd grade” sickos are ruining it for the rest of us. You all think you’re soooooo funny. Look what you did now, you little jerks.

Kate explains why she hasn’t posed nude before:

“For me those photos are art. Your body is art, your body is beautiful, and to be photographed in that way is amazing and it’s received in a very positive way. But with social media and the Internet and not so great blogs and the attention like that, I don’t think that my pictures would be received in the way that I’d want them to be received,” she said. “That’s why I’ve stayed away from them. I really appreciate those photos and I think those women are beautiful, but I think social media and the Internet has prevented me from putting myself out there like that.”

Psst, Kate. Babe. We’ve already seen your tits.

Bonus GIF, because I care:

[via Details]

  1. Fratterhorn

    Can we stop with the Kate Upton shit? She’s average at best and one cheeseburger away from being the next star of The Biggest Loser.

    10 years ago at 9:53 am
      1. Calm Brady

        Well of course he clicked Dorno. Kate Upton’s rack is like a bad car reck, no matter how bad you want to move along and get where your going you’re always gonna slow down and take a peek.

        10 years ago at 10:15 am
  2. maburrn

    Kate Upton would definitely an exception to my rule of not paying for fap material.

    10 years ago at 9:58 am
  3. Blantons

    Kate will you please use my face as a canvas and paint a beautiful picture on it using your butt cheeks.

    10 years ago at 9:58 am
  4. AzamatBagatov

    I would take the meanest steamer on those bad boys and give her the worst 5 seconds of her life if i had the chance

    10 years ago at 10:14 am
  5. laxlaxlax22

    Another hot girl saying she won’t go nude…….not buying it. I call your bluff Kate!!!

    10 years ago at 10:17 am
  6. ZeteNJ

    I don’t believe her any farther than I can throw her. Which is becoming an increasingly short distance.

    10 years ago at 11:27 am