CBS Sports Is Launching An All-Girl Sports Talk Show That We Won’t Watch

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Much to our chagrin, it’s finally happening–there’s going to be an all-girl sports talk show. The executives over at CBS Sports decided we deserve a sports talk show where we can listen to women ramble on about how much they “know” sports.

From The Big Lead:

CBS Sports will make television history in September when it debuts the first all-female sports talk show, the network confirmed exclusively to The Big Lead.

The sports TV world already gives us hot sideline reporters. They do a fantastic job at looking hot, relaying us injury updates, and reporting on what halftime adjustments will be made so LSU can attempt to cross midfield against Alabama. Why go and ruin a good thing with a show where we have to hear girls actually talk about sports? Isn’t it bad enough we have to sit through a football game with a date? Speaking of which, I wonder what Clint Trickett’s thoughts on the show will be.

The show will feature six women talking sports in a format that sources say will be like “The View” meets “Pardon The Interruption.” I bet there will be a lot of Michael Sam talk (not much different than ESPN) and Amy Trask’s opinions on who the hottest dudes are in the NFL.

The one saving grace of the show is the inclusion of Jenny Dell and Allie LaForce. Total babes.

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[via The Big Lead]

Images via Instagram, Twitter, YouTube

  1. FrattyWill

    Maybe they will breakdown how to make the perfect sandwich for the girls watching games with us.

    10 years ago at 1:36 pm
  2. FutureFratAffiliate

    In more important news, T-8 hours until the next Jimmy Tatro video, Boulevard!

    10 years ago at 1:44 pm
  3. 619to919Frater

    Still may be better than listening to Dorris Burke commentate on a college basketball game.

    10 years ago at 1:44 pm
  4. SaltySailor

    I heard that their tag line is “If they’re playing with balls, we’re all over it!”

    10 years ago at 1:44 pm
  5. USArmy

    I’ll watch every 28 days for the meltdown on set.

    Rome got his own show and virtually no one watches it. Who at CBS thought two women was a good idea?

    10 years ago at 1:49 pm
  6. Makers__Mark

    And when the ratings suck and the show gets pulled, CBS looks like a bunch of sexist assholes. Great move on their part.

    10 years ago at 1:51 pm
  7. DarrensDad

    I want to watch this show just about as much as I want you to write another article.

    10 years ago at 2:18 pm
      1. DarrensDad

        Don’t worry, your writing career will crash and burn just like Chapelle’s comedy career.

        10 years ago at 4:14 pm