VIDEO: Michigan WR Knocks Guy Out Cold With Sucker Punch Outside Ann Arbor Bar

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Ann Arbor PD just released this video of University of Michigan wide receiver Csont’e York nearly beheading a defenseless guy via sucker punch outside Scorekeepers Bar and Grille.

Sucker punching is the ultimate bitch move. If you’ve ever unloaded on a guy when he wasn’t prepared to defend himself, your father should be ashamed because you weren’t raised right.

You square up with someone and fight them if you’re going to fight. If you can’t do that, don’t let yourself get in situations where fighting may occur. It’s simple. I don’t want to get in fights, so you know what I do? I don’t get in fights. I’m not trying to take a right cross to my moneymaker, also I’m pretty sure I can’t fight for shit. I’m not going to square up unless I have no other choice, and I damn sure won’t throw a punch at someone who isn’t expecting it. That would make me a bitch.

Csont’e York strikes me as the kind of guy who will quit on the football field when things aren’t going his way. Bitch off the field. Bitch on the field.

  1. fuckyoushitheads

    1) That white boy is a pussy hockey player who was talking shit

    2) that white boy was talking shit to a 6’3” black football player

    3) if you talk shit to a 6’3” black person football player (who is drunk), how the fuck do you not expect to get hit

    Get your facts straight. If you’re talking shit, you better be ready to fight. The white kid’s the bitch in this situation.

    10 years ago at 4:06 pm
    1. WolfofTappanStreet

      Ima go out on a limb here and assume this guy is friends with C’sonte

      10 years ago at 4:11 pm
      1. DarkoM

        “1.) Bye scholarship. 2.) Bye education. 3.) Bye future.”

        1.) True. 2.) He probably can’t even read. 3.) His future was being right back in his mom’s house after his eligibility runs out.

        To be clear, he’s like a low end 3 star recruit, never NFL bound. What he lost was the rest of his 3-5 year vacation from Detroit and as a bench rider, the ability to bang ghetto groupies from Eastern.

        10 years ago at 5:39 pm
    2. RagingMegaHugeBoner

      He may have deserved to get hit for talking shit, but the problem is that he waited for the guy to turn away before he swung. Like a bitch. So shut the fuck up.

      10 years ago at 4:19 pm
    3. FUBAR1776

      So your saying that all tall black men who play football will just start throwing punches when they are drunk? and that we are just to accept that as a way of life? Your father should have worn a rubber.

      10 years ago at 4:24 pm
    4. RichHomie_Bax

      1) Hockey players aren’t pussies..
      2) Not the best decision.
      3) You still square up like a man and handle the situation. Candy ass.

      10 years ago at 4:28 pm
    5. clayboy

      If you’re a 6’3 black football player you should be able to hold your shit in a REAL fight, not be a bitch.

      10 years ago at 4:40 pm
    6. DaLegend

      Did you forget the fact that hockey is the only team sport where fighting is actually tolerated? Being a hockey player I was always taught how to fight either from coaches or teammates, so in the end I’ll take that “pussy white boy hockey player” 10/10 times in a fair fight.

      10 years ago at 6:15 pm
    7. TheWhiteFlame

      This is the most disappointing thing I’ve ever read. Do you truly believe a real man settles for a sneaky knockout punch than immediately runs away in a situation where another man is confronting them with words? Is that truly the definition of a real man? This wr is fucking pathetic

      10 years ago at 1:10 am
      1. FrattyTrappings

        I bet he’s re-evaluating his philosophical approach to life as we speak, all thanks to you. Look at you go.

        10 years ago at 3:29 am
  2. DarkoM

    I bet Csont’e York is pre-med, with dreams of being a ortho surgeon. And not an illiterate athlete from the Detroit area who was snuck in with phony grades, an ACT score compliments of a cousin who looks like him, and is hiding out in the afro studies or kinesiology department. #ImpulseControl

    10 years ago at 4:15 pm
    1. WillardFratkins1855

      This comment needs way more love. Fucking bullshit how people just stood around, and then all the ‘homiez’ just run away.

      10 years ago at 9:29 pm
  3. FUBAR1776

    That dudes friend better have hunted him down and whooped his sucker punching ass.

    10 years ago at 4:22 pm
  4. starsandstripes94

    What was the bitch running after Csont’e planning on doing? did she really think she was going to have any type of impact on the situation?

    10 years ago at 4:33 pm
    1. ProudPhi2042

      That’s why he has them with a different woman each time, so they get their own role model.

      10 years ago at 10:34 am