Instagram Babe Of The Day: Peyton From Texas Christian University

Meet Peyton from Texas Christian University.

  1. TokenBlackPledge

    She doesn’t look very religious to me, and that’s great news for butt stuff.

    10 years ago at 9:06 am
  2. ZeteNJ

    I don’t know what it is, but some of the hottest girls I’ve ever met have been southern girls with names that could also be guy’s names. Also, butt is 9/10.

    10 years ago at 10:03 am
    1. roundrockdonuts

      I don’t know what it is, but some of the most repulsive people I’ve ever met have been from New Jersey.

      10 years ago at 12:40 pm
  3. Hail to the Purple

    I love how dedicated the leadership is to making sure the interns update the “Instagram Babe of the Day,” even on the weekends.

    10 years ago at 10:34 am
  4. Eugenicist at Large

    I would voluntarily give her a colorectal exam with my tongue the day after Taco Tuesday.

    10 years ago at 11:25 am