Bourbon Has Reached Its Highest Production Rate Since The 1970s

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Kentucky bourbon companies, which make up 95 percent of the world’s bourbon production, have seen a 150 percent increase in 15 years. That is astronomical. Last year, Kentucky distilleries filled 1.2 million barrels, and they currently have an inventory of five million barrels. 1977 was the last time inventory was that high. Just think about it–that is a gargantuan amount of bourbon. Yet, this is still not enough.

Companies report that the demand is just too high. The distillers want to sell more, but if you know anything about bourbon, you know it takes time to make it. Bourbon whiskey ages at a minimum of two years, but the average age distilled is four years. Due to the increase in sales, many of these companies have decided to take a risk; they are stepping up production and storing their largest stockpiles. In simpler terms, distillers are making the more of the supply before the orders come in.

They bet that the demand will continue to grow, and if it does–which it damn well should–the bourbon companies will have hit a home run. If not, then the “bourbon bubble” will burst.

While I love whiskey and I think the record high sales are amazing, I hope that the distillers keep going for quality over quantity. I know that is a lot to ask for, but as someone who falls into the original demographic of consumers (southern drinker) it would be nice to have our needs put first.

[via Associated Press]

  1. TEvanGM

    There’s no age requirement for bourbon, however, straight bourbon must be aged 2 years.

    10 years ago at 1:29 pm
    1. TexasBorn92

      You’ll have to do way better than that to get on the next edition of “mean comments”

      10 years ago at 2:34 pm
  2. shesaheffer

    Kentucky makes up 100% of the world’s bourbon. Its called bourbon because of where it is produced.

    10 years ago at 4:27 pm
    1. MenSince56OX

      Bourbon doesn’t need to be made in Kentucky to be bourbon. Bourbon can be made anywhere in the United States.

      10 years ago at 6:25 pm
  3. Hoosier Fratter

    I almost hope the demand decreases. Then supply will be up and they’ll be forced to sell their supply at a cheaper market price. At least that’s what Econ 101 taught me.

    10 years ago at 9:07 pm
  4. OXisIT

    The only five things that begin with a B that matter in Kentucky: Boobs, Barbecue, Basketball, Beer, and Bourbon.

    10 years ago at 10:44 pm
  5. BallzDeep

    I feel as if you could have made the effort to use a picture of bourbon rather than scotch at the top and it is not the “average age distilled is four years” it should be average age matured is 4 years.

    10 years ago at 2:23 pm