Why You Should Go Greek: An Infograph

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Going Greek is one of the best decisions you can make, and not just for your college experience alone. Yes, the Greek community likes to have a good time, but joining a social fraternity or sorority is much more than going to parties. We dominate college campuses in the classroom and we’re extremely active in our communities, thanks to raising awareness for philanthropic causes and volunteering.

Unfortunately, the reputations of our organizations are not ideal. Whenever we’re in the news, it’s usually for all the wrong reasons.

We know that overcoming this negative perception is a struggle. We’re not here to argue the merit of certain viewpoints–we simply want to show you some hard statistics. The numbers pretty much speak for themselves. Should you go Greek? Yes. Here’s why:


  1. Old Joe

    I like the chart, but this isn’t the place to post serious things about the good Greek life does when this site is 98% perverted misogyny and drunk hailing alcoholism. Not that I don’t love all of those things, but it’s like Gandhi writing an article about doing blow.

    10 years ago at 5:36 pm
      1. SNUBonny

        No the day after you guys created a massive shit storm and Dorn’s getting destroyed.

        10 years ago at 5:43 pm
      2. Dillon Cheverere

        You are an idiot.

        We didn’t create anything, AND I didn’t even write the original article. Destroyed by whom? The three morons who have no idea what they’re talking about?

        10 years ago at 7:51 pm
  2. Fraiking

    Great, please invite more highschool fratstars to rush. I almost missed the varsity letter jackets from last fall.

    10 years ago at 5:45 pm
      1. bourboncountry

        Dorn. People are actually agreeing with you and not saying you fondle young boys, this is a big day for you.

        10 years ago at 8:09 am
    1. GoldenBear17

      Highschool frat stars or not, the point is to get freshman to rush. Grow the fuck up

      10 years ago at 9:04 pm
    2. Fraiking

      This site is satirical, but it is taken very serious by the people that normally visit it. I would like quality kids to rush, and they will, but there are no quality people that visit this site. Fuck y’all for not being able to take a joke.

      10 years ago at 9:21 pm
  3. Jim_Lahey

    2.91 vs 2.89 GPA isn’t really something to be proud of. Actually guys in general should just be ashamed by those numbers Greek or geed.

    10 years ago at 5:48 pm
  4. FratmasterFlexx

    Not to be a dick, but calling the Flat Hat Society a greek organization is a stretch. The first Fraternity in the U.S was Phi Beta Kappa at W&M in 1776, after TJ graduated.

    10 years ago at 10:16 pm
    1. cigsandswigs

      The F.H.C later became Phi Beta Kappa, so I don’t think it’s that much of a stretch

      10 years ago at 9:36 am