Why One Guy Owes The World A Drink After Michael Sam’s Manziel Money Sign

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A story about Johnny Football and Michael Sam? Skip Bayless’s head just exploded with all of the possible terrible comments and tie-ins to Tim Tebow. For once, this story doesn’t revolve around nose candy or who the man likes to date, but instead a random tweet involving a prop bet for the Browns and Rams preseason game.

FOR EVERYONE. IN THE WORLD. That’s a lot of Fireball shots and bad decisions right there.

Yeah, you take that, Johnny Football, with your mediocre, second string offensive line and wide receivers signed from an intramural squad.

And then the realization sets in.

Yeah, that does seem like a pretty stupid bet now.

Who would have thought random people would be assholes on the Internet?

Knowing there’s no way he could possibly buy drinks for everyone in the world, he ended up giving $500 to the Boys & Girls Club of Greater St. Louis, which is Michael Sam’s chosen charity.

…and girls everywhere just became the world’s first Jets fans.

Image via YouTube

  1. Lance Corporal

    Even Dorn could get a sack against a Browns 3rd string lineman. Whoop Dee Fuckin Doo

    10 years ago at 2:26 pm
    1. Larry_Legend

      Dorn would rub his sack on a 3rd grader, but get a sack on a 3rd stringer? I dont think so.

      10 years ago at 11:37 pm
  2. HouseChef_TFM

    BourbonNeat, I wish we went to high school together. I’d back-lock the shit out of you.

    10 years ago at 2:34 pm
  3. MastersTFM

    Durant I read your horrendous articles, scroll to the bottom and see that hideous picture of you, and proceed to think to myself “Is that really the sperm that won?”

    10 years ago at 2:48 pm