Tennessee Football Now Using Photoshopped Beyoncé Magazine Covers To Recruit

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College football recruiting is a sport in and of itself. Earning the signature of an 18-year-old bluechip usually occurs at the end of a long, entertaining journey. Not every team has a Nick Saban to sit in living rooms and promise these kids the world. Some ingenuity, creativity, and occasional rules violations are often required to pull them in. Sometimes you send a recruit 54 hand-written letters in one day. Sometimes it’s a Can-o-SWAG. And sometimes you photoshop a picture of a recruit onto a Rolling Stones magazine cover next to Queen Bey.

That’s exactly what the University of Tennessee did for four-star defensive tackle Shy Tuttle. He shared it on Twitter.

Has Jigga Man seen this shit yet?

  1. Shibby

    If Jay-Z is anything like the TFM Tech Guy, expect blackballs #ForumRiots #NeverForget #AllenForStaff

    10 years ago at 12:14 pm