USC Cornerback Heroically Leaps From Balcony To Save Drowning Child — Or Did He?

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With an offseason full of quarterbacks’ trucks being set ablaze and defensive backs kicking fraternity dogs, it’s refreshing to hear a story like Josh Shaw’s, who is a fifth-year senior at USC.

Or, at least the initial story that broke.

From ESPN:

Just hours after being voted a team captain on Saturday, Shaw was attending a family function when he saw his 7-year-old nephew, who does not know how to swim, struggling in a nearby pool. Instinctively, Shaw jumped from a second-floor balcony onto concrete below and crawled into the pool where he was able to help his nephew to safety, according to a release from the school.

After getting his nephew to safety, Shaw made his way to a ladder and pulled himself from the water.

Unfortunately, feel-good heroic stories are too much to ask for nowadays.

There are some serious allegations people are throwing around that seem to make Shaw go from hero to criminal in less than 24 hours. Now, the claims state Shaw was involved in a domestic abuse incident, which led to him jumping off a balcony to evade police.

If these allegations have legs, this is far from an ideal start to the season for the Trojans.

[via ESPN]

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  1. ReagansBastardChild

    reports are that he jumped out running from the LAPD who were called after a domestic abuse incident

    10 years ago at 4:00 pm
    1. Swingingsalmon

      Yea man, thanks. I’m glad your here since the article said the same exact fucking thing.

      10 years ago at 4:36 pm
      1. Elwood Blues

        Swingingsalmon, I would have given you a thumbs up, but that grammatical error, though corrected, was a serious mistake. You receive no thumbs up.

        10 years ago at 4:38 pm
  2. Elwood Blues

    I’m pretty sure all of the water in California has dried up by now anyway. Obviously a tall tale

    10 years ago at 4:18 pm
  3. DrDoucheRocket

    How in the absolute fuck do you go from “Saved child from drowning” to “Evading police after domestic violence” ?

    10 years ago at 4:26 pm
  4. The Frockman

    I respect the hell out of this guys audacity. “If we gon do it, we gon’ do it big den” a wise man told me.

    10 years ago at 10:46 pm