WiGo Is A Must-Have App That Tells You Who’s Going Out

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Don’t want to run into your ex at the bar? Looking to “bump in” to what’s-her-name? Or do you just want to be where the action is? Consider it done. You no longer have to play the guessing game with a new app called WiGo. Founded by Ben Kaplan at Holy Cross University, WiGo stands for “Who is going out?” and it allows users to see which of their friends are going out and where they are going.

After users have set their status to “going out” and indicate where they are going, they can use the “shoulder tap” feature to let certain friends know that they’d like to see them out that night. It’s much easier than having to go through a group message on your phone, and you don’t have to listen to your idiot friend bitch about all the text message notifications. WiGo even resets every morning so you don’t have to remember where all of last night’s questionable decisions were made.

Download the app from the iTunes store HERE.

  1. SouthernLite

    This app would only be useful if every single one of your friends downloaded it.

    10 years ago at 3:41 pm
  2. SouthernLite

    Also, why the hell was there a hippie hitting a hacky sack for 10 seconds in the ad?

    10 years ago at 3:43 pm
  3. FearTheJacket

    I mean this is good in theory, but all it takes is one crazy ex finding you and ruining your night on a regular basis to ruin the apps purpose.

    10 years ago at 3:49 pm
  4. Cabbieshack

    Even with WiGo’s help poor guy only had like 15 people at his fraternity’s party. Not a great ad.

    10 years ago at 5:56 pm
  5. TauKappaFrat984

    Their video leaves a little to be desired. Probably not convincing many Greeks with that sad show.

    10 years ago at 6:08 pm
  6. duckdog

    If you are in a fraternity, you pretty much know where everyone is going to be on any given night.

    10 years ago at 11:54 am