Dan Bilzerian Pledges $1,000,000 To ALS Under The Condition That Ellen DeGeneres Blows A Dude

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Dan Bilzerian does not care what anybody thinks–as evidenced by a video posted on Instagram Monday morning where he agrees to donate $1,000,000 to ALS research if Ellen DeGeneres agrees to blow a dude.

Dan’s explanation is in the caption of his video, which is really just a 15-second montage of all the hot girls he surrounds himself with on a daily basis:

Since the #icebucket was too difficult @theellenshow, I will donate $1,000,000.00 to #ALS on your behalf if you perform a blowjob… on a man Vid cred: @liverichmedia

Dan doesn’t specify any rules or guidelines. Like, does Ellen have to blow a guy on camera? Does she have to do it on her show? Is there a bonus offer if she blows Dan? How will the world know that Ellen switched teams for an afternoon if there is no video evidence?

Of course, Ellen will never do this. She’ll probably never even respond to it. Honestly, she could easily afford to drop $1,000,000 to not do it. Still, a public confrontation between Dan and Ellen is something I’d love to see.

Also, if you’re not following Dan Bilzerian on every social media account you have, I suggest you start now.

      1. SlutsWillbeSluts

        It is a pretty big power move to get blown by one the most famous lesbians in the world

        10 years ago at 10:24 am
      2. Shibby

        Careful, son. That’s the exact phrase that got Dorn started on his playground rampage of 03′.

        10 years ago at 11:03 am
  1. BillyQuantrill

    I’m sure the Jezebel hags will just let this roll off their backs…

    {braces for impact}

    10 years ago at 10:42 am
    1. Intelligentleman

      I’m certain that Guywhostatestheobvious is already an account on this site.

      10 years ago at 3:10 pm
  2. TGailGoodrichM

    Not to be the worlds smelliest cum stain, but Ellen DeGeneres is a respectable human being that our society needs more of. Blizerian just came off as a piece of shit with this one, TPikeM.

    10 years ago at 12:47 pm
  3. Suburban Meyer

    I honestly don’t know how to feel about this. Bilzerian’s tweets/pics are funny to read sometimes but he just sounds like a complete jackass on this. Have to admire the utter absence of fucks to give though.

    10 years ago at 1:05 pm
  4. Booze_Hound

    I expect laps, and I’ve already laced up. As much as I admire his lack of fucks, and babes he parades around with, he’s coming across as someone who desperately wants fame, without doing anything admirable. He’s becoming the Kim Kardashian for guys, a socialite we’ve become indulged with. I’ve never given two shits about which celebrity is experiencing menopause, nor have I ever cared whose capable of pumping their own gas on the cover of TMZ. How is Dan any different than Paris Hilton? He’s famous for being famous. Although Dan spent time in the Navy…I’ll give him that…he’s a trust fund baby (disguised as a poker player) who has never worked a day in his life, or truly contributed much to society. He even sued the heroic film “Lone Survivor” for a million dollars. When all is said and done, he has a history of being taboo only to get attention. *begins running*

    10 years ago at 2:00 pm
    1. SalukiSigPi

      He sued the creators of Lone Survivor because they breached contract with him. He was supposed to have 80 lines for donating X amount of millions to the cause/movie, but after editing, he literally got 20 words in. Just to clarify.

      10 years ago at 4:35 pm
    2. SlutsWillbeSluts

      I hate to be that guy, but I had heavily involvement in the poker community for years, including one of our main forums, 2+2. Dan was cool back in the day as he shared story after story of his ridiculous adventures, but he eventually started to rub people the wrong way, and was consequently viewed as a huge tool with a trust fund. I’m not saying the same will occur with TFM, but it is entirely possible.

      10 years ago at 7:49 pm
    3. TheActivesArePissed

      Well said Booze Hound. This in particular is a douchebag move and I hope Ellen Degeneres doesn’t even respond to it.

      10 years ago at 1:26 pm