University Of Oklahoma Advertised Its Higher Learning Institution With A Blatant Grammatical Error

The University of Oklahoma has no shame. This is evidenced by the fact that any normal individual would abbreviate the school as UO–but instead, the institution opted for OU to honor its first president, who was dyslexic. (This may or may not be true.)

On Saturday, the Sooners hammered the shit out of Louisiana Tech, 48-16. Yet, they still walked away from the game as losers, because this OU-sanctioned advertisement aired during the game:

Think for a second about all the people who had to give this ad a green light before it made it on TV, and laugh knowing that literally none of them recognized a basic grammar error that we were all taught in second grade.

  1. General Fratmoreland

    Nice catch by Texsa – wait, that’s not how you spell that…
    Fuck the whorns

    10 years ago at 4:19 pm
  2. If NFL QBs Were Bald, Meet The UCLA Volleyball Team & Teen Catches Giant Swordfish

    […] • U. of Oklahoma advertising fail during game […]

    10 years ago at 7:01 am