Penn State Student Records BAC 5 Times Legal Limit, Still Alive

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There is drinking to obliteration and then there is what this one Penn State student did on Sunday.

From the Centre Daily Times:

A 21-year-old Penn State student who was found unconscious Sunday evening on North Atherton Street had a .427 blood-alcohol content, police said Monday.

A passer-by found the man lying on the sidewalk at about 8 p.m. in 700 block of North Atherton.

This guy is a hero. He was on a mission to get drunk and make poor (great) decisions. Posting a BAC of more than 0.4 and surviving is quite an impressive feat. However, it looks as if he might get booked for having too much fun, which is a shame.

Public drunkenness charges are pending, police said.

I have so many questions for this guy. Where were his friends? How many Bloody Marys did he have at brunch? How is he not dead? Regardless, he just took Sunday Funday to a whole new level.

[via Centre Daily Times]

      1. PursuitofFrattiness9

        Figured out how to work the Google on the internet machine did you! Smart boy.

        10 years ago at 5:43 pm
    1. DrShooterMcGavz

      MLB averages don’t play. His BAC may say “pro”, but he’s still on the collegiate scale.

      Dude is batting legit numbers though, even for college

      10 years ago at 11:09 pm
  1. Rudegaze

    .43??? A couple years ago, a kid at U of Michigan had a .54 BAC and was only alive because of the copious amounts of cocaine in him to keep his heart beating

    10 years ago at 5:50 pm
    1. Thad_Castle

      It seems like the Big Ten is has its notorious drinkers. Party Pat, Vodka Sam, and now this kid.

      10 years ago at 11:20 pm
  2. Fuckinpussygdicreepfucks

    At 8 pm? Jesus Christ at least attempt to stay alive through the whole pre-game…

    10 years ago at 6:19 pm
  3. AzizAnsari

    My friend died of a .47 BAC mixed with energy drinks which kept him going and for those of you applauding this guy I am appalled. It was a miracle that he lived and I hope none of you go and try to out drink this guy on the next “Sunday Funday” as stated in this article. This is the worst article TFM has ever published. It saddens me that some dumb idiot is now going to go and think that’s okay.

    10 years ago at 3:49 am
    1. TauPhiMu

      I’m so very sorry for your loss, but TFM consists mostly of satire. So, no, we’re not applauding the guy and no, we’re not trying to out-drink him.

      10 years ago at 6:44 pm
      1. AzizAnsari

        “This guy is a hero. He was on a mission to get drunk and make poor (great) decisions.” And “He just took Sunday Funday to a whole new level.”

        This is definitely applauding him. And encouraging people to have a better Sunday Funday.

        10 years ago at 8:05 pm
    2. stfu

      I had a .47 BAC after a night of snowboarding and drinking. I got resuscitated. The doc said the only reason I lived was because I was in great shape. I took a couple months off and got right back in the saddle. Your friend made a bad decision and it’s unfortunate, But you win some, you lose some. Party on.

      10 years ago at 9:28 pm