Taylor Swift And Why Naked Pictures Aren’t So Bad

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I’ve looked at every photo of every celebrity released since “Nude Monday.” Several times. And then again. Here are some things I’ve learned:

1. Kate Upton is the only celebrity who comes off as even remotely well-adjusted. Her photos were fun, normal, and lacking in self-consciousness, like a gal who really loves and trusts her boyfriend, Detroit Tigers pitcher Justin Verlander (oof, more on that in a second). The rest of these girls’ photos are dripping with desperation. “LIKE ME,” they scream with serpentine poses and WTF costumes. (Et tu, Jennifer Lawrence?!) Then there’s Upton in the middle of all this, just tits out and thumbs up. Take it or leave it, motherfuckers.

2. Speaking of Kate Upton’s boyfriend Justin, dude’s got some ‘splainin’ to do. The ratio of Kate Upton to not Kate Upton on that camera roll was one to one AT BEST. I’ve got odds they don’t make it through September.

3. Intellectually, I’m acknowledging there must be some immorality at play for me to so thoroughly indulge in these women’s private moments made public. However, I feel zero guilt. It’s possible the Internet broke my conscience. Yet, I’m certain that if a stranger on the street offered me nude photos of a good female friend, I’d decline, or at least I’d regret looking. There’s something about the “otherness” of these famous people, their constant exposure making them something other than human. They already sell their bodies for consumption, so I’m forced to wonder what difference is it if their clothes are off? What veil of puritanical values are we hiding behind? The very thing that made a woman like Jennifer Lawrence famous is the very thing that drives people in droves to photo-sharing sites to see her naked. That impulse to see her freakish beauty is so instinctively human that I find it hard to blame anyone, save for the guy(s) who went to awful and ridiculous lengths to obtain them.

What I find most interesting is that if these nude photos were simply of Jennifer Lawrence or Victoria Justice or whoever getting out of the shower, this would be a non-issue. It would still be an invasion of privacy, no doubt, but the feeling embarrassment would be nil. It’s a pair of tits, end of story. What’s humiliating, and what makes this all so scintillating, are the poses, the self-objectification, and the overall sexuality of these shots. It’s an implicit acknowledgement of their own attractiveness, which is kind of a no-no in a world where you’re graded on how humble you stay.

So, for me, this is kind of a “hallelujah” moment, even past the fact that I can take “to see J. Law’s boobies” out of my personal mission statement (really streamlines that bad boy down to “learn how to ollie a skateboard”). I’m so fucking tired of of the faux-humility PR game these starlets are dump-trucking into our open maws. Google “Jennifer Lawrence humble” and get steamrolled by puff pieces on how she farts sometimes or that she tripped once at her prom. At the offensive vanguard of all this sits the Queen of “I’m Just Like You, Except I’m Rich and Famous and Nothing Like You,” Taylor Swift, who just released her video where she dances awkwardly. Then she refused to jump off the stage at the VMAs in a staged “rebellion” of standard pop spectacles. The grand irony of all these “uncool” actions is that they’re designed to make her MORE POPULAR. I find myself hate-watching interviews with her because I can’t believe someone can be so disingenuous. Like this one. She comes off as something far worse than just the popular girl in high school; rather, the popular girl who talks to unpopular girls because she sees it as charity. It’s sanctimony squared. Every action, every word is so calculated to appeal to the most amount of people while flagrantly denying that she’s trying to appeal to anyone. It’s appalling.

What Taylor needs–what I need–is that infamous fall from grace. We need egregious beaver shots and pouty looks at the camera. Come on, Taylor, these other girls with leaked nudes are now free to be complicated, arrogant, rich, famous, beautiful, and human. They’re free to be themselves, probably for the first time in ages. You are something else entirely: a walking lie, our modern obsession with contradictions. You don’t need the weight of society’s expectations on you. Shake…shake it off.

4. Bar Refaeli has a pretty gross anus. I wouldn’t have guessed that.

Image via YouTube

  1. Dr. Mantis Toboggan

    At what point in this rambling, incoherent article do you even pretend to make a point? You may as well have written this in Ancient Egyptian.

    10 years ago at 5:17 pm
    1. madhatle

      And at what point in your life were you pulled out of class and placed in the special room?

      10 years ago at 6:37 pm
    2. JohnFratYatesSommers

      In the comments of every jtrain article there’s always one guy who either has no attention span, or very poor reading comprehension. This guy will inevitably post either “TL;DR” or some other criticism that they fully expect to be well received. It will not be well received.

      Today, you are that guy.

      10 years ago at 7:30 pm
  2. SwearToDrunkImNotGod

    This maybe the most articulate and well thought out way I’ve ever seen someone ask for nudes.

    10 years ago at 5:52 pm
  3. Shoeless.Bro.Jackson

    This is truly the most well-written article I’ve read on here for some time.

    10 years ago at 6:20 pm
    1. Roadkill Rager

      JTrain has the most intellectually challenging articles on this website. Not saying it was difficult to read, but it reads more maturely.

      10 years ago at 6:30 pm
  4. BigBoss

    Damn, J.Tranny, that’s some pretty fantastic writing. Intellectual and insightful. Props. Can’t wait for the follow up discussion on the next TFM podcast.

    10 years ago at 6:53 pm
  5. StudlyAtEverything

    I am very concerned about how we, as Americans, have become so comfortable with invasion of privacy, a right guaranteed by the fourth amendment. If someone stole your bank records online, you would flip shit. When the NSA spies on its citizens, we write articles, contact our representatives, maybe even take to the streets in protest. But when a few stolen nudes show up on the net, we celebrate it. We should not accept a surrender of one of our fundamental rights because it didn’t happen to us personally, for the sake of a cheap thrill. We are Americans. We have rights. It is one of the great things that separates us from the uncivilized world.

    10 years ago at 8:04 pm
      1. StudlyAtEverything

        What a fuckin’ try hard. Good luck in life, dipshit. You will need it.

        10 years ago at 8:14 am
    1. InternationalFrat

      People are disgusted that this person hacked their account. It is wrong on so many levels. But once those pictures were out there, human curiosity was always going to win, especially with people who so willingly put themselves in the spotlight.

      10 years ago at 2:40 am
    2. ZeteNJ

      Just to be clear, what happened to the celebrities had zero to do with the Fourth Amendment. The Fourth Amendment protects people from the government, not people from other people. Federal cyber crime laws however, we broken. But this in no way equates to what the NSA, an agency of the government does which is a violation of the 4th Amendment.

      10 years ago at 8:58 am
      1. StudlyAtEverything

        Correct. What I am getting at is that we shouldn’t be comfortable with the idea just because they are nudes. It concerns me that so many people, specifically young people, are willing to surrender privacy without much thought. That is a dangerous road to go down. I worry that once they are willing to accept stolen information from another citizen, it won’t be long before they won’t think twice about even more government intrusion upon their lives.

        10 years ago at 9:21 am
  6. zeus7

    I saw ‘Taylor Swift’ and ‘naked photos’, got excited, then reread the title.

    10 years ago at 9:24 pm
    1. ZeteNJ

      Given how maladjusted she seems when it comes to men, I’m seriously shocked she wasn’t in the leak. I guess she doesn’t have the iCloud because there’s no way some guy hasn’t been able to talk that train wreck into sending nudes.

      10 years ago at 9:09 am