RA Emails Dorm Residents With A List Of Recommended Places To Ejaculate


College, man. The dorm life. Gotta love/hate it. From shitting in dorm hallways and a guy’s dorm room chair, to shooting seed down community shower drains, dorms are filthy, nasty, bacteria-filled Petri dishes that you college assholes have to call home.

At least one RA is having none of the constant masturbatory shower sessions and semen filled drains, so he or she sent an email to all dorm residents with a list of places to ejaculate other than in the shower.

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This RA was chill all the way through number 10, even kinda funny, then went dark on us with number 11. Shit’s messed up. But really, find a better place to cum, guys. Other people use those showers.

Image via UA.edu

  1. SalukiSigPi

    Asserting your dominance over your roommate by ejaculating on/is his pillow case. TFM.

    10 years ago at 3:42 pm
    1. SphincteralMicturation

      If your dick can’t fit in a Gatorade bottle you probably have elephantiasis of the genitals

      10 years ago at 4:47 pm
  2. Sand_Hill_Alum

    ah yes the dorm pictured here is good old Tutwiler also known as Slut-wiler or 13 Floors of Whores. its an all girl dorm at Bama directly across the street from sorority row and Bryant Denny Stadium. some very good times and very bad decisions have been made there

    10 years ago at 5:03 pm
  3. Fake RA Email Telling Students Where To “Bust” Is Making The Rounds

    […] case you haven’t heard, there’s a fake RA email making the rounds about all the places college students can masturbate besides the shower. It’s a hoax as old […]

    10 years ago at 12:03 pm