Professor Tries To Eliminate Hangovers, Develops 100 Percent Pure Vodka

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A professor at Iowa State has created a vodka that won’t leave you a useless sack of shit the following day. Professor and bioengineer Johannes Van Leeuwen claims to have developed the first ever 100 percent pure vodka.

From the Globe Gazette:

The appeal of a vodka with no impurities is that it’s allegedly of better quality, smoother and less likely to cause a hangover, said Astor, who has been in alcoholic beverage sales for 28 years.

For comparison, Smirnoff has eight impurities, Absolute has 16 and Grey Goose has 14, according to tests conducted at Iowa State University.

The process uses Iowa-grown corn, so it’s safe to say that there won’t be a shortage of product in the foreseeable future. The company, OZ Spirits, also researched and developed the cleanest possible bottle to keep with the non-impurities theme.

The stuff is called IngeniOz, and it hit Iowa liquor store shelves about a month ago for $24 a bottle. No clue what it tastes like, but it’s purer than Grey Goose and about half the price. Probably something to check out for the good folks in Ames.

OZ Spirits is also looking to expand distribution to Minnesota and Illinois. Seems like a good enough time to do so–it is Big Ten football season, after all.

[via Globe Gazette]

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    1. Doesnt Quite Get It

      Update from the family of HouseChef_TFM: His funeral is Monday at 7PM. Chips and salsa will be served.

      10 years ago at 8:29 am
  1. Bumblefuckery

    So basically what you’re telling us, is that this guy is the Heisenberg of vodka?

    10 years ago at 4:39 pm
    1. Dan Regester

      I made that reference in an article the other day. Complete waste. This article has Heisenberg written all over it. The struggle is real.

      10 years ago at 4:53 pm
      1. SouthGA

        Technically alcohol can’t stay at over 95% or it will absorb water ( Google it that’s why ever clear isn’t 100%)

        10 years ago at 2:12 am
      2. FrattinSince1839

        If you’re going to say technically, at least have some fucking clue about what you’re talking about. Anhydrous ethanol does exist and it’s really not hard to make. It’s just not economical to spend the effort and materials required to get it past 95%.

        10 years ago at 5:47 pm
  2. Tuco1855

    OZ Spirits has a pretty solid marketing director for reaching out to Grandex for an endorsement as well.

    10 years ago at 5:30 pm
    1. bignasty

      This. It seems like about 1/3rd of the articles on this site are not-so-subtle promos for products, but the user base doesn’t care because they tend to pertain directly to our interests.

      10 years ago at 5:18 pm
  3. TGailGoodrichM

    I’m assuming I’m in the minority that isn’t opposed at all, but there’s been quite a few Iowa State articles on hear lately. It almost helps me forget that our athletic program is rendered irrelevant until basketball season, almost.

    10 years ago at 6:21 pm
  4. The_Tijuana_Frat

    This would be awesome…if it was in any major city…or I knew one of the seven people who live in Iowa

    10 years ago at 7:11 pm