Caught On Tape: 6 Guys Attempt To Break Into KA’s House At Miami University

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During the weekend, six men attempted to break into the Kappa Alpha fraternity house at Miami of Ohio. One onlooker grabbed his phone and began recording the incident. Here it is:

As he walks toward the house, he is met by the crew’s lookout. The kid claims his boys were just jumped by 10 KAs, and that is their reasoning behind the attempted break-in. After multiple failed attempts to get the cameraman to moveĀ on with his day, he finally asks if the cameraman is recording him. This is the face of a kid who just realized he’s fucked:

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Realizing he’s in trouble, he does the job a lookout is supposed to do and tellsĀ his boys that they’ve got company. Rather than fleeing the scene, the guys confront the cameraman and come to blows with him about filming them. Props to the kid for still keeping the camera rolling. Despite the lookout claiming that no one is drinking, the suspects look really messed up, either from alcohol or drugs. Hard to tell.

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Looks like they made it out with bagels and a shoe–petty items for the crime they committed.

The tipster who sent this in informed us that the man filming is an Alpha Sig and that the six men attempting the break-in are members of Phi Tau, but we cannot confirm the affiliations.

Image via Miami Of Ohio Kappa Alpha

  1. StudlyAtEverything

    You know those 6 doofuses are looking at TFM right now and shitting their pants.

    10 years ago at 11:40 am
    1. DarkoM

      Miami is a grimy public school for Midwest upper middle class that were too stupid to get into Michigan, Northwestern, Notre Dame and even Ohio State (which is really embarrassing).

      10 years ago at 5:08 pm
      1. SpencerPhillip

        seriously dude. 15 seconds and an internet connection can tell you otherwise. if you had said public school for kids that didn’t go ivy, i’d be right with you. but ohio state? notre dame? get out of here

        10 years ago at 7:49 pm
      2. DarkoM

        Lol @ cross shopping Miami and an Ivy. Stop embarrassing yourself. Your acceptance rate is 70%; that’s not even a safety for someone gunning for an Ivy, it’s completely irrelevant. You’re a public school for dumb midwest try-hards who use their mom’s mastercard to go nuts on, even though the nearest store is 500 miles away. You campus has the market cornered on washed up mediocre lax bros and flyover state airheads. Ohio State–which is a joke in itself–is harder to get into. If you were a slacker with real money you’d be at an east coast LAC or GWU…or your dad would buy you into Michigan, ND, NU or an Ivy. But I get it, it’s cozier to be a pretend big fish on your meaningless campus in the middle of Ohio. Enjoy the post-grad cold calling gig in Chicago or a New Jersey boiler room, brah.

        10 years ago at 9:10 pm
      3. DarkoM

        Just for that, let’s highlight what a commode your school is. Parchment cross-admit data for Miami:

        88% chose Michigan
        80% chose Wisconsin
        76% chose Purdue
        72% chose Michigan State
        69% Grand Valley State University
        67% University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
        67% Butler University
        64% Ohio State University – Columbus
        60% Indiana University Bloomington
        57% University of Dayton

        Ivy backup eh? HAHAHAHAHA dumb pleb

        10 years ago at 9:59 pm
      4. ChalupaBatman

        60% chose Harvard
        64% chose Harvard over Stanford
        According to DarkoM’s methodology we are a better school than Stanford.

        10 years ago at 12:35 am
      5. Kieransok

        Doing extensive research in an attempt to win an argument you started in the comments of a TFM article, NF.

        10 years ago at 7:35 am
      6. DarkoM

        “You probably go to Wayne State.”

        Implicity calling me an n-word? I’m sure such bigotry will be appreciated by your territory boss for the bottom tier phamacutical company you work for.

        10 years ago at 8:13 am
      7. 1734

        Hey man, if you want to sit on the internet and anonymously bash a legitimate and well respected institute of higher learning then go right ahead. It is your right as a free American to speak your mind… Just be sure to keep working on the 300 laps or so you’ve racked up. Pledge master expects them done by COB on Wednesday.

        10 years ago at 9:32 pm
      8. Fratastic_Mr_Fox

        You’re comparing massive research universities like Michigan and NorthWestern to a small liberal arts school… Apples and oranges.

        10 years ago at 1:05 pm
      9. rocky of brohio

        Look, factually speaking, yeah, michigan, northwestern, notre dame are significantly more prestigious. But miami of ohio is a liberal arts, undergrad focused school, so you can’t truly compare them with one another. In terms of population, I really cant understand how you can consider it a “grimy public school” considering all of its building architecture is based off of Yale.

        who knows what the real story is? breaking and entering a house is inexcusable, but everyone in greek life should keep in mind that no one is safe from IFC/Miami is beta got the boot. just food for though

        10 years ago at 11:51 pm
    1. TrustMeImPre_Med

      I’m not sure what makes these Phi Tau’s seem more retarded. The fact that they are trying to break and enter during the middle of the day, or the comebacks they have for the camera man?

      10 years ago at 12:18 pm
  2. WoodFratReserve

    any word on if the camera man got out okay? He obviously kept the camera safe, but did he get his ass beat?

    10 years ago at 12:02 pm
    1. Cardinal_and_Stone

      The camera man is safe. He is a member of Alpha Sigma Phi but his identity is being kept anonymous for safety reason.

      10 years ago at 12:15 pm
      1. Stephen_ormsby_rhea

        Completely agree, even though it was a rival fraternity being broken into, he knew it was morally wrong of those neanderthals to try and break in.

        10 years ago at 2:42 pm
  3. mattdj

    So the full story is that a bunch of KAs had jumped a Phi Tau the night before and this was some attempt at retaliation. Personally, I would’ve just waited for the University to kick KA off for that shit. Then again, this is from the Phi Tau chapter that had their charter revoked a couple years prior for having a massive fireworks shoot out

    10 years ago at 12:19 pm
    1. Cosmo

      Link. Please. I’d hate to miss an opportunity to miss a kid in a deep V getting his ass kicked

      10 years ago at 1:09 pm