NCAA Reinstates PSU’s Bowl Eligibility, Effective Immediately

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Rejoice, Penn State fans. Bowl season this year just got a little bit sweeter. Earlier today, the NCAA announced that the football team is no longer on probation, effective immediately. They are eligible to play in a bowl this season and also received all 85 football scholarships back starting in 2015-16.

Four more wins get them to bowl eligibility, and the way the Big 10 looks this year, their bowl chances look strong to quite strong. This is a big win for the storied program that was marred by the Sandusky scandal.

Image via YouTube

  1. fratbird

    Good to see that the current team, which has done so much to wipe away the image left by Sandusky, can get even further away from these horrible acts. Big time football school, deserves it.

    10 years ago at 3:11 pm
    1. Pasty

      Yeah, they removed a coach who covered up the systematic raping of young boys. Thank god they’ve now found a coach who only covered up the gang rape of a college woman by his football players. That, at least, is progress.

      10 years ago at 8:13 am
  2. buddahsmcmansion

    fuck that. see the bowl ban out but strike every negative implication ever thrown paterno’s way out of the record books.

    10 years ago at 3:20 pm
    1. ra63376

      If your definition of hero is: shitbag who knowingly enabled a kid raper, then yes, JoePa is a “hero”.

      10 years ago at 8:50 pm
    2. ra63376

      If your definition of hero is “shtbag who knowingly enabled a kid raper”, then yes, JoePa was a hero.

      10 years ago at 8:54 pm
      1. HingleMcCringleberry

        Jo Pa told people higher in power than him about it and put it in their hands to make the call (the AD, President). In my opinion he did the right thing, got blamed for more of it than he should have

        10 years ago at 12:23 am
  3. Mendoora

    The student rally after was even more incredible. Thousands of students filling downtown streets celebrating until 1am on a Monday night. Incredible.

    10 years ago at 12:28 pm