UNC’s Incredibly Obnoxious Advertisement Is An Embarrassment To Higher Learning

The University of North Carolina is a great school. I’m not questioning that at all. However, it’s probably not as great of a school as it thinks it is, and it thinks it’s pretty fucking terrific.

Take a look at this banner ad. It’s one of many that have been floating around the Internet for the last few months, and it’s completely and totally nauseating:

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“Hey YouTube user, even though a lot of people are arguing that higher education isn’t worth the cost anymore, we’d love to have you apply to our business school’s MBA program. Also, fuck you, idiot. You’re probably not going to get in, anyway. Haha!”

I feel like right now is the worst time to see UNC boasting about academic excellence, since the school is currently the epicenter for academic fraud in college athletics. Unless, of course, it wants to run ads like, “The UNC Julius Peppers School Of African American Studies: The Online MBA You Probably Won’t Have To Sign On For To Pass.”

UNC’s online MBA program is one of the best, I’m sure, but I don’t see other schools with stellar programs creating unbelievably obnoxious online ads that belittle Internet users.

Of course, UNC denied me, so maybe I’m just a little salty that the school is taunting me about it everywhere I go.

Image via Twitter

  1. Drunk Uncle

    If you know anything about UNC and the people that go there you won’t be surprised by this.

    10 years ago at 3:22 pm