Wake Forest QB Drunkenly Drove Through The Quad For Some Subway Like It Ain’t No Thing

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Kevin Sousa, Wake Forest’s backup quarterback, was recently booked on a Driving While Impaired charge after drunkenly driving through the quad and into the gymnasium. Just kidding, he drove through the quad and coasted along a sidewalk and up to a campus Subway for a late night footlong. His driver’s license has been suspended and the “school announced yesterday that he was suspended indefinitely for a violation of team rules.”

Per an eye-witness account, Sousa was a very cautious drunk driver, almost polite even.

From Blogger So Dear:

An eye-witness to the incident told Blogger So Dear that late Saturday night, Sousa was seen driving his vehicle onto the upper quad. He entered the quad by removing the black gate between the Kitchin and Poteat dormitories, before driving across the quad to the Subway located on campus. The eye-witness stated, “He was not driving recklessly, rather, he just coasted up on the sidewalk to the Subway and got out. It’s not like students were sprinting to get out of the way.”

To be clear, it is NOT my intention to make light of driving while intoxicated. It’s a terrible offense and should be treated as such. It’s never okay. I will say, though, that your lawyer may have a leg to stand on for a lesser charge plea when witness accounts use language like “coasted” and explain that all pedestrians in the area of the offense were cool as ice about it.

[via SB Nation / Blogger So Dear]

Image via @BarstoolWFU

    1. Fuckinpussygdicreepfucks

      Yes, because subway is totally worth getting a DWI. You’re a fucking idiot

      10 years ago at 11:33 pm
  1. RaginBush84

    All of his problems could have been solved if he just made a pledge go get him a sandwich

    10 years ago at 7:30 pm
  2. McFrat

    C’mon guys, who hasn’t risked a DUI by driving across the quad for some late night grub?

    10 years ago at 7:48 pm
  3. Hoosiers92

    Excuse me Dorn, Imma let you finish, but JTrain’s article on the celebrity nude leak was one of the best TFM articles of ALL TIME!

    10 years ago at 7:32 am
  4. Wake Forest's QB Decided Driving Drunk Across The Quad For Some Subway Was A Good Idea - Front Page Buzz

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    10 years ago at 9:33 am