Burger King Lists Random Guy’s Phone Number On Company Website, Random Guy Trolls Everyone Who Calls

This is gold.

A Chicago man, whose phone number was listed on the Burger King website, has been getting an influx of phone calls from potential employees and complaining patrons.

Instead of letting them know right away that they have the wrong number, he pretends to be the store manager, “Kevin,” and he pranks the shit out of each unassuming caller.

In one video, a caller who is a new employee asks for her schedule. Kevin gives her the 4:30 to 5:30 a.m. shift–you know, the one where BK employees feather and butcher each chicken before opening. Then he asks her if she wants blood duty or cleanup duty. She tells him that another employee, William, has already given her a schedule, and he fucking loses it.

In the second video, a different woman calls to complain that the cashier got her order wrong and that the person was extremely rude. The prankster plays the role of “confrontational store manager.” It goes about as well as you’d expect.

The videos can’t be embedded on our site, but you can watch them HERE.

[via Deadspin]

Image via Twitter

  1. Dick_Nixon

    Search on YouTube, “Papa Johns Fraternity Special”. You will not be disappointed.

    10 years ago at 12:14 pm
  2. MannyC

    He ended the second call with “I gotta go. I gotta go make more money than you”. TFM.

    10 years ago at 12:29 pm
  3. LarDaddy

    The complaint video on the bottom of the website, last thing he says: “I gotta go make more money than you goodbye.” TFM

    10 years ago at 12:41 pm
  4. Capt. Ron

    Got a call from a thick Indian-accented telemarketer one time, who “strangely”, had trouble both pronouncing and remembering his very Anglo name. When I told him my boss had been raped to death by a giraffe, he asked calmly if I was qualified to make company decisions. I told him that I was actually a nefarious drifter who happened to be just wandering through the office when the phone rang. Again he asked if my boss was available, to which I maintained, “Steve, I already told you, he was raped to death by a giraffe. He politely thanked me, before hanging up.

    10 years ago at 1:08 pm